people who inconvenience others, and themselves, are in my opinion not only justified in their actions, but should also be cherished and thanked.
It seems that some activism is tolerated, while other activism is not. Activists who are concerned about election fraud want to monitor "drop boxes" overnight, to deter stacks questionable ballots being dumped while people sleep, yet if there is any attempt to monitor or film or do anything with these security holes, it is labeled as "voter intimidation". How intimidating is a camera? How inconvenient is that? I would be thankful knowing that the box is being monitored, in fact I would expect that. If someone was standing a distance away from the box and voter, posing no threat, I would THANK THEM for guarding the boxes from cheaters! They're not asking me who I voted for, they're not telling me who to vote for, they're not chasing anyone away, they're making sure the game is played fairly by just standing there. And if you are committing a legitimate crime, you should sweat a little knowing you're being seen. Yet any attempt to monitor the boxes are perceived as a huge no no no no no no because that's "voter intimidation" don't you know, some guy or gal near the box, or a camera just sitting there. SO INTIMIDATING! SMH.
This is an instance where I would cherish and thank the activist whose activism is simply keeping elections REAL. Whoever wins an election, wins - so long as they really won!