Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and puts his trust in him. It will be like a tree planted by the water, which extends its roots towards the stream; it is not afraid of the heat, and its leaves are always green. In times of drought it is not distressed, and it never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17: 7-8
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On many occasions it has happened to me that when problems come to me, I want to seek the help of men and leave God's help to the end.
Putting full trust in men is not good but a curse. The lord himself says, "cursed is the man who trusts in man." This is not to say that human help is not good. What is not good is that we always have to turn to people for all kinds of help and forget about God.
The word teaches us that whoever trusts in God is happy and doubly happy.
There are people who help you, but usually they do it with a personal interest, however, God helps you and his only interest is that you love him and trust your problems in him.
Trusting in God gives us the opportunity to know his goodness and mercy. In the same way, the word says, that surrendering our trust in God leads us to be like a tree planted by a stream of water. In other words, our roots are deepened and strengthened in the Lord when we put all our trust in his unconditional love.
When the heat arrives, which symbolizes problems, there are no inconveniences to face them, because the Lord himself is in charge of solving the situations that can generate anguish.
Trust in God gives us absolute assurance that the Lord is in full control of our lives and there is no need to fear.
The prophet Jeremiah says that in times of drought, the children of God do not have to worry, but to live in full confidence that God will fight the many battles that want to overwhelm our lives. The Christian who trusts in God will always bear fruit in the midst of adversity.

Yes, woe unto a man who puts his trust on other man instead of God. God never fails not disappoint and so, when we begin to put our trust in God, we would be blessed beyond measure and also live happily. Thank you for such interesting post.
It is really a great thing to put your trust in God because he never forsake his people when they are in need especially when it requires his presence. it is really appropriate to put your trust in God even when experiencing challenges he will definitely change the story someday.
Blessed Is he who don't lean on their own understanding, man can fail you, but God never fail.
He might respond late according to human time measurement, but God is already on time.