If we look at the world in detail with a magnifying glass, we will observe that the greatest concentration of people is in those places, areas, regions, cities or countries, where there is apparently economic development or important opportunities to have a better quality of life. However, the contradiction of this is that there are large geographic spaces that are sparsely inhabited, because they do not offer the same opportunities as those that supposedly represent development and economic growth.
Why are large rural areas where there can be a pleasant and sustainable life abandoned by their inhabitants? Surely, because there is a lack of good planning on the part of their rulers and this causes people from rural areas to move to the big cities, which leads to overpopulation in the relevant cities of each country. This does not necessarily imply that there is a global overpopulation, but a lack of governmental planning, which causes other relevant problems such as education, health, housing, crime, etc.
If people could develop a broad capacity of what it implies to lead a sustainable life, surely, they would take better advantage of the natural resources they have in their environment, which would help, not to experience having to leave the countryside to go to the city and be part of the problem of overpopulation.
Particularly, I believe that there is not a world overpopulation problem, but a big planning problem of the central governments of each nation. There should be planning for both rural and urban areas. Cultivation of land for more sustainable living should be motivated, as well as preparing human talent for skilled labor in the relevant enterprises in the cities, without affecting one or the other. The responsibility lies with each nation so that its growth and development is not affected by the problems caused by overpopulation in a given area.
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Your answer is straight and simple and I like that 👍

Lack of proper planning will look as if the world is overpopulated, meanwhile it is not but the way government are using resources is way too much and if only they could control and minimize how things are done so there would be enough for the world. Thank you for your contribution.