"Behold, even though he will kill me, I will hope in him ..." Job 13: 15a (Reina-Valera 1960)
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The Christian life is a complete dependence on God, so much so that even when things seem so impossible, we are still waiting for God's miracle.
We depend so much on God that when diseases, problems or the need for provision arise, we believe that only God can help us solve the situation, there is no other way to solve it, but by waiting in the glorious power of God.
We all know the terrible situation that Job faced, although he was a just man, perfect and pleasing to God, he lived in his own flesh, harsh storms of life.
In his terrible skin disease and in the lack of life, after having lost everything, he trusted so powerfully in the Lord, he said: "Even if he kills me, I will hope in him."
Not everything in life is bread and roses. Life has very particular movements that can surprise the most righteous on earth. What life cannot change is the trust we have in God, which leads us to wait on Him, however tragic the situation may be. that we are living.
Today, dear friend, I encourage you that the circumstances that you are living, whatever their color, do not lead you to stop TRUSTing what God can do. You have to be sure that God has everything under control and even when it seems otherwise, you must not stop TRUSTING HIM. Your faith does not depend on an answer or what God does in your life, your FAITH depends on what God is and He is a God of love and hope.

Great word to read in the morning. We need to have that trust in God which cannot be shaken just as Job did in the Bible. When we trust in God, no matter the circumstances, there would be great Joy in the end. Thank you for sharing.