You re so right about people not want to make mistakes again.
Well the cost of some mistakes may be varied based on the paths, but mistakes are also lessons learnt.
Motivational quotes and talks are so much out there, the sad thing is that it is often anchored on just human efforts.
I see humans as spirits and the essence of motivation being a spur or stir in this nature. We are Godlike right and so beIN motivated to move should always be anchor to the maker. I listen and read motivation speeches and book only when I feel directed to move in a specific aspect. But people put the cart ahead and get motivated,move and hit a wall.
I like your video Chief. Nice topic.
Thanks so much sir, I do believe we live in a world where people are dependent on external motivation to live their lives, it's a saddening aspect of reality that the social media brings. Everywhere, people are succumbing to relationship advise and quotes, it's misleading.
Yh relationship ideologies are mostly misguided by media. Gives them this high expectations which is often never met and the may tilts into depression because the motivation was short lived and poorly guided.