The action that should be taken to combat climate change is deforestation, this is the clearing of lands, tress and tick bush, if this is done the degree of climate change will be eliminated.
Climate change is mostly a problems in some parts of the world, and which needs to be taken care of so as not to causes damege to the world we lived in.
Deforestation will serve as a good method of having combating climate change and this will be done favourably, when appropriate care is taken in adopting deforestation, it will have a great Impacts on the level of climate change.
Having this done will as well help the farmers in Planting of food crops and enough lands space will be available to them for Planting.
Deforestation, i could remember once when my father told me that we need to go to joined the community people in clearing buses and wild trees in the community land, for the Benefits of the people, and for it to aids life in general.
Can we replant new trees?
Planting of new trees would be a solution