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RE: The path to richness, part 9 - Be selfish; Dream big

in ecoTrain3 years ago

This is interesting. I think indeed part of our programming is to give to others before ourselves, and thus the desire to give to our families/charities first might be a result of this programming and of our wanting to avoid guilt/shame. But -- going along with the principle of circulation -- isn't the aim to circulate money as widely as possible, and thus the more freely we give out our money, the more we circulate it? And while I agree with you that perhaps Alon's sister needs to experience the hardship and thus he wouldn't be doing her a favor by giving her money, couldn't the same argument potentially be made for Alon? That is, isn't there a possibility that him spending the money on himself would circumvent whatever life lessons he needs to learn?


That is, isn't there a possibility that him spending the money on himself would circumvent whatever life lessons he needs to learn?

The most prominent life lesson is a balanced self-love. Once one master that all other lessons become minor.

isn't the aim to circulate money as widely as possible, and thus the more freely we give out our money, the more we circulate it?

It's important to let money flow. Yet, it's critical with which consciousness one circulates money:

  • many people do it because of shame and guilt. So that's not really authentic circulation.
  • many people give to others as a way of feeding. When they give they feel good about their (sinful?) character. So again, the circulation here is not authentic.
  • many people circulate as a bargain with the universe - "I will give money to the world in anticipation to receive money in retun because this is the rule of abundance, so I have been told". And that though-pattern is not in accordnace with the consciousness of abundance.

Few people really know how to circulate money and give from a sovereign place. So my post above speaks to the common denominator. Be selfish, take care of yourself first.
The other rules (see previous posts) of the abunadnce-consciousness matter no less.

Thank you for your comment. It allowed me to elaborate and further explain the idea. 🙏

Thank you for your thoughtful response! Yes, this makes sense for sure. I think people are typically motivated by some sort of agenda, whether or not they are aware of it.