Chinese chicken chawmeen

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Hello everyone.I wish you all are well and good. I am also good.
Thanks God who gives us uncountable blessings in the world to be pleased the weather is pleasant and its raining time by time out side.I love the rainy weather becouse rains gives live to the nature and after the rain every thing shines and it adds more beauty to the the rainy weather some noddles are very good for lunch or dinner so,

   Today's post is about an other dish which is very common in our comunity.but everyone can not make is as delicious as it should be.I am making the chicken chawmen today.and here I am shareing the recipy with you friends.

                     (INGREDIENTS )

1- Checken breast peiece
2- Carrots( two or three medium sized )
3- Green capsicum(tw medium sized)
4- Red Onions (two or three small sized)
5- Cabbage (one small)
6- Tomatoes(about half killo grames)
7- Fried onions(one large sized)
8- Galrlic(four pieces)
9- Oil(as required)
10- Soya sauce (acording to test)
11- Chilli sauce (acording to test)
12- Vinegar(acording to test)
13- Spaghetti(two pakets)
14- Salt and paper (acorging to test)
I am making this food for my family members and we are saven people in a can increase or dicrease the amount of the ingredients acording to your need.



    I started by washing all the vagitabels and meat.I cut the chicken into small pieces and also chooped the vagitabels very fine.Now i fried the chicken in some oil until golden brown.

                     MAKING SAUCE 

  For the sauce of chicken chawmeen you need to cut the tomatoes into small pieces and griend it with some fried onions in the grender can add further spicies acording to your choice and do not forget to add some garlic.
            When the chicken pieces are golden brown I added the tomato pest in it.I added the required amounts of salt and spicies and kept cooking until it realses oil.


                   THE  TOOPINGS

      The last procsegor of this recipy are the vagitables  needed to be fried.I put some oil in a pan and added the chooped carrots in it and fried it for about 3 minuts, when the crrots softened I added the chooped cabbage and green capsicum and cooked for futher 2 I added the chooped onions with some salt,vinegar,soya sauce and chilli sauce and kept the flame on for about 1 minut.the topping is ready.
       At the last I boiled the spaghetti with a  little amount of salt and oil untill it I drained the exrta water from spaghetti and washed it with cold water to prevent sticking.

And finally I put the tomato sauce and fried vegetables on the boiled and cooled spaghetti. I mixed all the substances together.and finally my chicken chawmeen is ready to be served. You can serve it with tomato ketchup and youngs mayonees it will doubble the test,
I use the chopsticks for eating any kind of noodles beacouse noodles are Chinese food and Chinese people use chopsticks instade of spoone of foulg, hope you like my recipy.