Thank you so much Dear @thanhnga99, you are very sweet and your photos are quite good as well. However, it took me few years to improve my photography skills and editing. Although I am still not an expert, lol. One thing I can suggest to improve your photography is this free editing website, but it works only on computer. Not on mobile, so if you take photos with mobile, you have to transfer them to your PC.
Also food styling and accessories for the bacround are important, even if you have a few little things, such a spoons, flowers and piece of fabric.
Anyway, if you need anything else, feel free to ask me 💖🙏💖
Thank you for your enthusiasm, you are not only a good artist but also a person with a kind heart.😁 i will try this site and it will probably take a long time to take good pictures like yours
I am always happy to help. I may even write a post after New Year about food photography. And take your time learning. I am still learning too and I started 10 years ago, lol. I wish you all the best on your journey and in 2022 💖🙏💖