How interesting is all this, in these parts of the world is the opposite, here normally it is always warm throughout the year, it is very rare when it is very cold, actually here snow does not fall, I guess it is because of the geographical position that has "Venezuela", although in the Andean region specifically in the "State of Merida" is where some snow has fallen sometime.
Those who cultivate here do it in function of the high temperatures, but I put that everything is an adaptation, as well as there your plants can be resistant to the cold, here it is the opposite, they are resistant to the heat. My beautiful mother is a planting fanatic and loves to grow, our house is an apartment and if it is up to her she can turn it into a botanical garden xD
It has been very interesting my stop in your article.... I hope your plants are strong and that the cold takes pity on them, I also hope that those stupid caterpillars do not do their thing if at some point a heat wave hits.
Greetings and blessings!
Thats great your mom grows a bunch of plants. And I know what you mean when it comes to plants getting too hot. We get pretty intense summers here, and my sweet potato vine will wilt during the hottest of days. But is always comes back once the temps come down.
Hah yeah those damn caterpillars, well next year I have some plants on treating them with something so we shall see how it all plays out.
My mom has a very good hand with plants to tell you the truth, sometimes I am very surprised with what she manages to do in some simple pots that are not so big. Once she managed to stick a few "Cucumber" seeds in a simple pot and put it in the living room window, it was amazing to see the state of growth of that crop, but it was even more incredible when it began to bear fruit of small cucumbers, my mother surprises me with what she can do. At some point I will share with you some of her plants, right now I am in another city far away from her, but I hope to visit her soon =)
I just hope your caterpillar strategy works and your plants can be safe from them. Best of luck with that!!!