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RE: Focusing On Frailties (A Unusual Ranting)

in ecoTrain3 years ago

One of the biggest burdens in life is trying to prove that you're valuable and not worthless, especially to people who had already formed a mindset about what and who you are.

I think everyone who comes from humble backgrounds have this in common. Most people around us aim for average things that everyone around us is doing.

Everyone around me think that the best life is when you have a government job because you have job security and work load is really low, sometimes none. But the pay is similar. Very low.
The average income is $400 to $500.

I could have got a government job if I wanted. People who know me, and my friends still bug me that I should have gone for government employment. Have my goals according to them.

But I chose a different life. To try different things, some of them worked really well, some of them didn't.

But as you said, one of the biggest burden in life is to try to prove others that you are valuable.
I find myself in that spot every year or so😕

 3 years ago  

Lovely comment, thanks for pouring your heart out, I could specifically related to what you are trying to mean and say. I've had such experience too.

As per the government job, it's clearly you defined what you wanted and went for it provided that it was actually in your means. Government job is not guaranteed plus sometimes it can be unfulfilling, plus it's not meant for everyone. At the end, we have to chose true happiness over everything.