As I'm preparing for my departure I have many projects I want to finish. And I'm very pleased about having completed The birdhouse project 🙂 Some of you might know that birds are very special to me, they remind me of my dad and I have been lucky to spot many different birds since I moved here.
I have fond childhood memories of my dad building birdhouses and it was always so much fun to pick a tree and decide where to place them. There are still quite a few birdhouses on this property, we have also added some after my dad passed away. But they don't last forever and some time ago I felt inspired to build some myself. There are a lot of leftover planks here (from various building projects throughout the years) so I didn't need to buy any material. Now, the planks weren't perfect for birdhouses as they were quite thick and therefore became quite heavy, but you can say that they are robust 🙂
I chose to use unplaned planks as that is recommended (it makes it easier for the baby birds to climb out of the house when the time for that comes). But I don't intend to write a DIY post so I will spare you the details. I will just say that I didn't aim for perfection and I just went with what felt like a good size when it came to the measurements (I didn't follow any instructions). The size of the hole is important though as different birds like different sizes so I made them in different sizes.
Below you see the ones I made after having painted them red (a paint that I already had) and I also added some leftover roof shingles for extra protection. The 2 brown ones I actually bought, I painted them though. (I bought them before I got the idea that I could build some myself).
So now they were all ready to be placed, the really fun part 🙂 I started with inspecting some of the already existing ones. This one in the picture below was actually still ok. It'll stay for at least one more season.
I placed one on this birch.
And here is another one.
Last week we had snow, a lot of snow on the roof.
And below you see some of the ones that I took down (or that had already fallen down). Hopefully well used. They are now replaced by new ones.
In case some of you wonder, it's actually the best time to place new birdhouses in fall or winter, so the birds have plenty of time to locate them before the breeding season. But anytime works really. And for me, this was perfect since I'm going away and hopefully, I'll be back in spring. It would be so nice to then see them occupied 🙂

Thanks for reading 🌸
Wishing you a lovely day 💚
Nice job! Love the shingling of the roofs.
Thank you! It was a really fun project 🙂
You know I can relate to this a lot.
My dad also loves birds and birdhouses and installing them, although I don't remember having built them ourselves. Also my parents always had a small garden, unfortunately.
Nice to hear that your honoring and remembering your father this way.
It must be great to return in Spring and see the houses being used.
Big hug!
Happy to hear you can relate 💚 I remember very well that your dad loved birds as well. I understand you couldn't really place a lot of birdhouses in a small garden, but how nice that you also have a memory of birdhouses 🙂
Yes let's see what happens next Spring!
Those bird houses are cute
I'm sure you love them for you to have built this kind of beautiful house for them
It looks so lovely
Thank you 🙏🏽 Hopefully some birds will love them 🙂
Förlåt jag såg dig inte, jag värnar fåglarna. Jag blir sugen på att bygga själv, fantasifulla hem åt dom som vill flytta in!
Du behöver inte be om ursäkt 🙂 Ja det var kul att bygga fågelholkar, det ser så mysigt ut också när de är på plats i träden.