Talk about bad habits

in ecoTrain3 years ago


Talk about bad habits.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind with this combination of words? And the first thing that Google gives out is alcoholism and smoking. For me, these are not habits at all. As for smoking, it is generally a periodic whim. I may not smoke for months and not even remember, and then take and smoke, and again forget about this business for many months. Well, here I am such a "non-smoker" But I have bad habits all the same, and they are much annoying for myself. My shower is combined, so I have to switch from the shower to the normal mode. And here it is, my bad habit, I never switch the water right after a shower. And the next time I go in to wash my hands, I will definitely wash all of myself with a cold stream of water from the shower, and if you only knew how infuriating it is, but I have been working on it, and lately, as in the case of an unplugged iron or an uncovered door when leaving the house, your brain sends these panic signals, and before you leave, you almost take a picture of the iron plug lying near the outlet, and not in it. This is the case with the shower, I check several times before leaving the bathroom completely, I even try to touch, because lately I can't believe my eyes.

The second habit is forgetting to reply to a message. And okay, if they were left-wing people - do not care. So no, it makes no difference how I treat a person, if I don't immediately respond to the message, then everything is lost, at best I will remember that I did not answer some evening or the next day. At worst, I may not answer for days and don't even remember it. Therefore, I try to answer right away now, but still nobody has canceled the distractions, so if I haven’t answered your message for the third day, you know, I’m not ignoring you, I just forgot about you there, the truth is probably not any easier. Although my hike are already accustomed to such my disappearance.

What bad habits do you have?)