My greetings to every great author in this community, today I am answering the question of the week which says the action which I have taken and has led to a positive change. Actually in this life we are, there are different action which one have taken just because he or she wants to achieve a certain thing or want to get to a particular place so I have made some steps back then which most of them didn't turn out positive as the sayings goes that we should not give up and keep trying till we get to our Destination and where we are aiming to get to.

Some months back I wrote a post about how I used to follow my parent to farm since they own a small portion of land which they do use to grow some little crop. Then I was seeing how they do work on the farm with manual tools and all other equipment inside the hot sun burning them and still works still continue I grow up with that upbringing of farming and still my parent do go to the farm once in a while but then I made up my mind that If I want to start this farming process or go into farming, I won't use the way my parent use to do. I determine to use advance tools in other to work on the site.
On getting to school since my school is an Agricultural school, there was this program set down for interested student on how to go about a little farm or how to set it up and I found it interesting because we were told will be given some portion of land to grow some crops and then some money will be allocated to us in other to effectively carry out what we need I register and I was given that small portion of land.
I went online in other to acquire more knowledge on how things are been carried out without just spending the money anyhow, I started gaining more idea on how to go about it. After some months of practicing and learning online, out of 50 of us who registered for the program, 10 of us were chosen and we were awarded some high amount of cash. Now I have the idea of farming now which I have started with a little portion of land and started the growing of crop. More idea have started coming in for me and since then people who I don't know have started meeting up with me to supply them.
Your action made you stand out. Nice one bro keep it up
Really appreciate. You are going places bro seeing you all around hive platform am impressed
Thanks fam this means a lot coming from you
You are doing well
I'm excited for you to get a little piece of land to start farming! What a wonderful opportunity!
You mention a very good point, "we should not give up and keep trying till we get to our Destination and where we are aiming to get to". This is so very true. I learned an old saying "fall down 7 times, get up 8". We are going to have many mistakes and failures to lead to our successes.
Thanks for posting!
If there is no mistake we won't be able to learn to get to our success point