ECOTRAIN QOTW (#8.4): "If Not You Then Who? If Not Now Then When?"

in ecoTrain3 years ago


Hi Hiveans,

Hello and welcome to my page. I am @favour. This is my first entry to the question of the week challenge. An initiative by @ecotrain. Kindly follow me as i share my take on the topic which states that "If Not You Then Who? If Not Now Then When?"

Life is full of ups and down, Challenges that holds you down and liable. You determine what goes in or come out of your life. You, yes, you and I are the sole proprietor of our respective businesses because the level of problems you solve will determine your degree of how responsible you are.

I grow from a polygamous home where no one cares about your welfare. You're on your own because if you wait for someone to help out, you're as good as walking bare foot a thousand mile stone while you have your vehicle left unused. It's usually said that "Wisdom is profitable to direct but one that lacks wisdom suffers the most and bears the consequences.

From teenage moment i decided to be self-reliant and stop depending on my parent to give me all i wanted, so i decided to make myself more useful to me, my proposed spouse and generation because living without a drive to fulfil your purpose or goal is like starting an airplane on the air. I got to learn lots of skills which i put to use today, and as i put them to use, they've become part and pazzle of me. Now I'm a caterer, I work in an hotel and acquiring more skills on a daily basis and as a result, this is make my life much as easier than ever. Now i see the reason why procrastination is known to be the thieve of time.

If i haven't taken those moves i took earlier, how would my life have been today? Probably i should have been have been in a state of disarray. No one will help you do what you're meant to do yourself. You can only take the horse to a river but cannot force it to drink from the brook. You're liable to what happens to your life. So if you don't, who will? "If not Now, Then When?"

This is my entry to the question of the week Challenge. Thank you for your time and do have a great day.

From @mhizfavour