My crops are doing well and I am so excited about the Agricultural venture I am doing partly during the lockdown.
Agriculture has been my regular activities during this pandemic.
I learnt quite a lot about the need to go farming full time or on a part time basis but atleast, Just farm or own a Garden at your backyard
I noticed a lockdown in virtually all sectors excluding essential commodities or services which includes
No matter how bad an economic situation, food is an inevitable need of Man.
I love the "Fan shape" Cassava leaves which is a useful shrub for livestocks.
Cassava plant is very pertinent as a staple food in this clime.
Another shade or view of a Cassava plant.
I am happy seeing my crops grow by the day.
Despite the need to grow crops, we still need to be careful with agricultural practices to save our climate for posterity...
Love it! 😀
Nice work @michaelugom
Thank you