You construct a narrative with labels, assumptions and triggers.
You can take it as something that might actually penetrate that fishbowl or you can twist it with your mind to mean whatever you like.
We use words - words are labels, yes - and they are used to describe reality. Some words are poignant. And then there is avoidance of words by dancing around their meaning in order to avoid them relating to us.
We do this with our minds. Minds are amazing things!
Unfortunately we also use our minds to avoid what is in front of us. The elephants in the room blocking our awareness.
I did indeed unfollow you.
A deliberate act!
I would have created a post dedicated to the declaration of it, but you have done it for me! Thank you!
No hostility towards you. Hostility towards unconscious actions.
Ac-Knowledged with wonder at 'mind' and the 'amazing' things it has done over here with words.
Fishbowl lol......
Last word!
I got it. There.