I've lived without water 10 years out of 11 and to be honest I lick my plate and use it even for multiple days just lick cleaned 😂
One time we found a shitloada' paper plates in the trash and that was legendary, not sure why we still call them 'paper' plates because there's more plastic than paper these days on them..
Another good trick if you have just one plate and no water, is to use baking paper to lay over your plate to use which makes a dirty plate instantly clean and then you have paper to light the wood oven with!
The spray bottle is a gooden to wash with, wait until you get an old pertercide sprayer that has a pump to pressure it up and then you have the luxury spray shower experience 😜
awesome comment. thank for those gems.. i just got my pump sprayer today.. . cant wait to use it!
Hahaha, powershower here we come!