This pond is known to be a fish rearing pond and it is located in an area which is not very far from where I stay..
So the other day I decided to visit there to check out the fish in the pond.
I went on the journey which took about one hour and i went through a a motorcycle and the journey was interesting for me., I went together my friend and it made it more interesting.
When we got to the pond we saw alot of fishes and different types of dishes which includes the tilapia, catfish, and many others.
At the location where the pond was,
there were workers around there who ensured that they feed the fishes everyday and they make sure the fishes grow well and healthy..
I also notice that there were some other individuals who were catching fishes and placing them into the pond while there were some other people who were also feeding the fishes..
The atmosphere around the pond was lovely and there were so many activities going on there, i saw alot of children who were playing and they were happy to be around the pond..
So one of the officers who worked at the pond said that most of rhe fishes are harvested once every three months and they are sold to the market which is not far from the pond , they feed the fishes with healthy foods that will make them grow healthy and fast.
I like the way the pond is maintained by the workers here and how they also take the fish farming to be a serious business , i could see the passion they had for fish farming, they were so happy doing it and they made sure they consistently take care of the fishes..
Este estanque es conocido por ser un estanque de cría de peces y se encuentra en una zona que no está muy lejos de donde me hospedo...
Así que el otro día decidí visitarlo para ver los peces del estanque.
Fui en el viaje que tomó alrededor de una hora y fui a través de una motocicleta y el viaje fue interesante para mí, fui junto a mi amigo y lo hizo más interesante.
Cuando llegamos al estanque vimos muchos peces y diferentes tipos de platos que incluyen la tilapia, el bagre, y muchos otros.
En el lugar donde estaba el estanque,
había trabajadores que se encargaban de alimentar a los peces todos los días y se aseguraban de que los peces crecieran bien y sanos..
También me di cuenta de que había otras personas que atrapaban peces y los colocaban en el estanque, mientras que otras personas también alimentaban a los peces...
El ambiente alrededor del estanque era encantador y había muchas actividades, vi a muchos niños que jugaban y estaban felices de estar alrededor del estanque...
Uno de los funcionarios que trabajaba en el estanque dijo que la mayoría de los peces se recogen cada tres meses y se venden en el mercado, que no está lejos del estanque.
Me gusta la forma en que los trabajadores mantienen el estanque y cómo se toman la cría de peces como un negocio serio, pude ver la pasión que tenían por la cría de peces, estaban tan felices haciéndolo y se aseguraron de cuidar constantemente de los peces.
So many fish!!!!😮 I always thought it's difficult to maintain that kind of fish pond. But it seems like the people working there are doing a great job!
Yes they are doing alot , I was surprised too that they were able to maintain a huge number of fishes and take care of them well..I guess their passion for it gives them the motivation to succeed in the fish farming..
Exactly! My partner takes care of fish, too. But they're betta fish, not the kind of fish we eat. He's learning how to breed them and eventually start a breeding business.