Getting to agree with the fact that there is indeed a God has to do with ones beliefs and ideology. History has shown that there have been many gods and many dieties people believed and infact still believe in. Religions like Hinduism,Islam, Judaism,Toaism,sikhism,christainity just to mention a few exist around the world and every follower of this religion believes in their own God. Metaphorically,in the English dictionary, "a God is a person in a high position of authority,importance or influence".
Some people consider others as gods because of their contributions to society or humanity, others believe in what they have been told to believe since birth, some also believe in the supernatural things unexplainable to them and others science.
But indeed as a living being I will like to attest to the fact that there is indeed a "Supernatural being" called "God" and his grace has been sufficient in my entirety.
According to Genesis 1" in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2:Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3:And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light" and reading the whole chapter makes alot more sense. In the same Vail, the same bible tells us that the plan of God for us is for good and not evil. So categorizing suffering as related to whether God actually exists or not might be considered absurd to some people.
We all grow to a certain age where you have to make a hard decision in favor of yourself, your future,or in favor of others who you see as your utmost priority at that time; south is with the supreme being who I consider the watchman over all beings.
People suffer sometimes for these reasons;
- Lack of faith in what they believe in and sometimes their self
- As a punishment for their past deeds which will be considered karma to some.
- As a test of faith to know if you might just drift and lose all hope
- Because you might still be battling with where you actually belong:that is, not knowing whether you are a believer or not, and so on.
But the long and short of the matter is the fact that nothing actually lasts forever as long as you are resilient,hardworking and have something to hold on to (believe in). The world is full of evil and people who are bent on frustrating others, but he who watches over us never sleeps nor slumber and He will surely take care of his children; all you need do is believe no matter the tribulation and trails you might encounter.