Hi friends how are you? Hope all of great and strong and healthy with your family by the grace of almighty Allah.I am also great and strong by the grace of almighty Allah.
Welcome To My Another Post
Today i will share some beach area photography,and this beach area is located by Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh.I hope you all like it.
The cox's Bazar is the most popular tourist place of the Bangladesh,Also this beach area is the highest area in the bangladesh.Lot of people's go there for visit this place.
In the world there have some highest and popular beauty spot for Traveling, cox's bazar is one of them,this coxbazar is beauty of the bangladesh.
Many travelers and foreigners come to visit this coxbaza area.All of travelers and foreigners appreciate of this coxbazar.Cause of the beauty.
Few days ago me and my wife going to visit the Cox's Bazar,and in the morning i took these photo.Although i have added few effects cause if you want to attrective your photography then you need apply few effects in the pictures.
I have taken lot of pictures there but today i just share only beach area photography,i will share another photography of my Traveling step by step.
This episode was first day of our travels and i have taken lot of pictures of our travailing, cause we visiting another area of the coxbazar so i also share those in the next episode.
No more today stay safe with your nearest and dearest, also take care of yourself.Have a good day.
Phone Details
Camera | Samsung Galaxy |
Catagory | Beach (photography) |
C.MODEL | M31 |
Capture | @nevlu123 |
Editing | Only seturation |
Location | COX'S BAZAR |
You've got a very good looking landscape image. Maybe someday I will have the opportunity to visits those wonderful places too.