transforming into an ascended master 😃
Complete work in process until the exit ;)
but nobody would admit it and prefer to hush it and shouting "New Age nonsense"...
New Age is another trap, something to avoid.
Admitting means taking ownership and responsibility for oneself. It also means looking at all that junk in one's trunk and dealing with it. These are things that I find many run from, sadly, they have no awareness of how they are destroying themselves by choosing that route. It is however, always the individual's choice to make.
Thanks for this awesome comment!
My pleasure, it was a treat reading your post.
Hahah that cracked me, joke aside I think that's the hardest part for most people, that's why they hide behind a dogma, call it principles; and somehow feels their guilt alleviated, but never went through the introspective journey, never "took responsibility" as u mentionned.
I lost my train of thought lol 😉 it will come back
LOL, I put it that way so it softens it for others. Seriously though, yes, it's the hardest part for most people. I know it was for myself. I'm just seasoned now, like a good tenderized meat bag.
LOL, I know that experience well. It will enter the station again.