Happiness is a choice and not a result.

in ecoTrainlast month

Happiness, we are willing to do anything to get this thing. But not everyone finds happiness in one thing. Many of us think that money is the key to happiness. But not in all cases. For many, money is happiness, while for others, happiness is found in helping someone, etc. Everyone tries to get happiness in different ways. If I speak for myself, I try to find happiness in my work. Like I am a civil engineer. I find happiness in doing new things, designing, working with new designs.

This is why today I am writing about this topic that Happiness is a choice. This is something I strongly believe. Because to me, work is happiness. I can be with a lot of people if I'm involved in work. I can learn a lot.

Yes, I am a human. I also have many problems. My life is not one in which I work all day and I spend all day with people and find happiness in it. I also have to face many problems. But I have learned that every problem has its solution. And you have to understand that. There is no danger that will only happen to you. When I am with people, I listen to their problems, try to find out how they have solved them. I live with some people in my working life who can solve any of my problems. This is what I do in my working life and in my normal life. In this way, when I fall into a problem, I can solve it through them. It's not just me who does it. I help them when they are in danger. It’s not just in times of danger, we all have our good times and together. I get happiness from these. I choose it. And whatever the result.


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You can't always work in the hope of good results. Happiness in life requires a lot of work from which no definite result can be expected. It can be anything good or bad. Moreover, I use some more methods to be happy. For example, always think positively. Through positive thinking, you will stop thinking bad thoughts. try the following technique. Each time you have a negative thought, simply replace it with a positive one. If you make a mistake it can be big or small. Try to be happy with what you have learned from it without worrying too much about it.Try to do what makes you happy. There is no need to always earn money from it

Always try to help people. Because you can't do everything on your own. You also need someone's help. If you get help from someone then you should also help someone else. This will help change your bad behavior.

Create a circle of friends where you can easily share anything. You can share all your difficulties, advantages, sorrows, happiness, everything. You will feel a lot of happiness. Do the same for your family. Share everything with your family because your family is the source of all happiness.

These are the steps I always follow. It gives me a lot of benefits. You can try it too. If you still fail to feel happy, take time to think about your activity. Change the way you work. Try to do what makes you happy