Is life fair? - Ecotrain QOTW | Call it a rant

in ecoTrain3 months ago

This life is unfair. It's also unbelievable. We often hear of human right, yet we came to be humans without being allowed to choose any country of our choice. neither do we get to choose the day we would be born. Death also has a ridiculous way of announcing it's thing. It comes like a thief and steals our soul away.

Lol... Forgive the bad energy but you must have seen it coming.

We now have to fit our precious nose into different categories of shapeless nose masks. Of course, those that get arrested for not wearing the piece of clothing have bigger problems than the invisible threat of an invisible air pollutant yet, nobody cares.

After all, a show need to be put on by policemen. Reporters need headlines to boost viewers rating. Politicians want to prove that any law-breaking chap would be dealt with. In their attempt to fulfil their own selfish and egoistic interest, many of them end up overlooking the main issues on the ground.


My regards to @ecotrain for this topic about how fair/unfair life can be. The topic itself is an opportunity for us to think, observe our communities and sincerely speak out on the subject matter.


Ecotrain question of the week reads, "is life fair or unfair"?

In addition to all that is already said, here is an outline of what you need to know;

  • Being in a car is always an enjoyable experience, until you find yourself in a situation where you have to be jam-packed in an overloaded minibus. Funny thing is, you have to pay for the ride yet, the least of your expectation would be to be treated like a customer.

  • I've seen people talking about living in a cool place where they can hear the sound of birds and enjoy nature. Whatever they mean by that can only be experienced in *****-(I don't know where), by people in my part of the world. I didn't know this when l paid a ridiculous amount just to get a studio apart on the topmost floor of a 3 storey building. Turns out that l can't escape from the chaotic noise which Nigeria is known for. Everywhere is always like a war zone. Everywhere!

  • Better not to be dragged into any sugar-coated statement about "police being your friend". Anyone that comes to this part of this world and believes that statement is about to have the greatest surprise of his life. Nowadays, police agents that are supposed to make society peaceful are the ones causing unrest. And then, we all have to directly or indirectly experience their"man inhumanity to man" at every point in time.

  • Getting beaten by the sun should be the least of my concern in such cases but it's kinda unfair to get suited up and hustle for a seat in bus-stops just because you want to be punctual to work. Trust me, anyone that goes through this routine would always need to, at the very least be given a conducive working environment. Well, you are just an employee wearing a uniformed white shirt, black pant and a roughly knotted tie so, who cares about your working condition?

  • Just when you think you've finished your work for the day and it's time to be blessed by a fairy in this unfair universe, the worst happens - potholes. Have you ever travelled on a road that is damaged due to potholes? The type we have here would make it to the book of records. While you are riding back to your home, potholes would be throwing tantrums until it gets its ration of your pound of flesh.

Well, seems like this is where my illustration would be paused. Aye!


We are very imaginative in this platform so, l know that anyone that cares to read in-between the lines can attest to how unfair life can be. I hate to make this request of you, but can you imagine being the one to experience these bunch of unfair side of life?

This is what many people pass through here. Here being Nigeria. I can go on and on but l wouldn't want to dump all the shit stuff here.

Just so you know, life is also fair to some people in some places. I've experienced the fair side of life but l can't close my eyes to the other side of it. Every second l spend in this part of the world, l see people passing through unfair situations. It's a real pain for me as a witness so, guess what the victims of life's unfairness would be feeling.

The most unfair part of this is, many people would never get to experience what it truly means for life to be fair. Nothing beats that level of unfairness.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
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