QOTW- Why do good people die?

in ecoTrain3 years ago


This is a very delicate question brought up this week 🌝 I just saw it and smiled I just wish this question was indeed realistic it would have been great, but anyways I would still go ahead to write about this hehe.

So the question was, if we where giving an opportunity to ask God one question what will it be and what answers we think he will give to us.

They are one million and two or more questions I have in mind to ask God that's if I had the opportunity. But since we were told to ask just one well my one question to God will be "why does Good people die leaving the bad ones"?

This very question is the most important amongst all the questions I have in mind, why because in this life I have lost so many loved ones that I know where good people. Before you know it they are gone and they keep dying while those that are bad will continue living and doing evil things on earth.

Because of losing too many good people I just end up asking myself this question over and over again and if am to meet God or speak to him in person this is the exaçt same question I will ask him, was it not just last week a pastor friend who had church just beside my house died just after brief illness the next thing we hear is pastor Mike I dead. Dead and gone forever.

I know of a trader that sells crayfish in our local market here I came to know her because my aunty sells In that same market. Each time I go to see my aunty I her shop inside the local market I will hear the evil done by that woman. I have even witnessed her exchange words with her fellow traders, words that are so bad to bring out to the hearing of people. At the end of the day she will treatend you and if you are not careful something bad will happen to you, as I speak now she is still alive causing high blood pressure for her fellow treaders and making life hard for them.

These are the people that suppose not to live long thier days on earth should be short, sadly that is not the case which is why I am asking God this very question.

God's Reply
I don't really know what would be God's Reply but if am to guess. His reply will be, he is taking the life's of the good people for them not to turned from thier good ways to bad ways in the name of revenge whenever they are being wrong by bad people. Or he will say he have to let bad people live so the world will be balanced or to test his own people I'd they truly deserve to be in paradise.

I will stop right here, I hope with this I have been able to answer this week's prompt. Thanks for reading through my blog post you deserve a big hug. Please stay safe and pray for our dear brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia. Shalome🙏

 3 years ago  

You are right and I also would add that God takes the good ones quickly so they don't have to face evils yet to come which He has foreseen. For the wicked, you know our God is merciful? He is actually giving grace to the evil ones to repent because He never wants them to die and end up perishing.

Thanks for your thought on this.


God takes the good ones quickly so they don't have to face evils yet to come which He has foreseen. For the wicked, you know our God is merciful? He is actually giving grace to the evil ones to repent

You are indeed correct,so sad we have to keep losing the ones we love. But God knows best and whatever actions he takes is always for Good. Thanks for reading through my blog post 🙏

 3 years ago  

You've ask a very thoughtful question, we all wish we can live forever, but then to be with God, one need to put off the flesh, since God is spirit, then dies who worship and dwell with him must be spirit.

Beside, death wasn't part of God's plan for human, until the first men sin, had they not, we might all have been immortal.

Beside, death wasn't part of God's plan for human, until the first men sin, had they not, we might all have been immortal.

Hmmm this is very true 🌝 so all this started from our first parents, so that means we have to endure this till the ends of time here on earth.
Thanks for reading through my blog post I sincerely appreciate 🙏

I think one good turn deserves another. A good person is always around us and willing to help a weak one.

Well spoken 👍. Thanks for stopping by, please do stay safe