in ecoTrain4 years ago


Soo I posted the topics I would be discussing about these week and the topic I would talk about today. If you have not aware of that, you can check my profile and look at the topics. Let go straight to today's content called Self Esteem
What is Self Esteem? How do I improve my Self Esteem? How do I relate to my Self Esteem? These are the questions you are to ask yourself about when trying to build up your future. A turning point in your life would come when you would realizes that your level of self esteem would determine the happiness and success in life.
What is self esteem??
Self esteem is briefly explained as how much you like yourself, respect yourself and also how much you value yourself in your ways of communicating or interaction with your colleagues, family, friend, siblings and order people. That why you notice many people are friendly and always ready to interact with you when you speak to them in the right manner or ways and these is all because they built their self esteem to be able to associate to people. When your value yourself and also appreciate yourself, there is 90% chance you would like and value order people and you can attach that just with the help of you building your self esteem. And the more you value other people the more people would value you back according to Brian Tracy. So now I believe I have explained self esteem in my own way

So now, I would be giving you tip on how you can improve your self esteem


  1. DOING AND SAYING SOME CERTAIN THINGS: Self esteem is just like a physical fitness, lol I don't mean push up or regular exercise but you can build your esteem consistently by making certain things. So to build your self esteem you most have a clear sense of what you want and how you want to attach it and on how you view things too. You have to know your view best qualities, skill and abilities, what are the best things you do or good thing you had done before and would like you continue doing that can account most of your successes. when you think of thing that make you happy, thing you enjoy doing, then you would realizes you like and respect yourself more.
    So to build your self esteem try to found the things that make you happy and think you love doing and as far you continue to do them, you have build your self esteem already.
    Just like me, l love to drum, have fun and learn new thing, me doing just these few things , I have improved my self self esteem already.


2.SET CERTAIN GOALS YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTACH: what are the thing you want to attach in life? You all know the answer to that so start making plan on how you want to attach them, by doing this, you are already building your self esteem. Apart for what you want to attach in life also set goal for what you want to attach in weeks, months, years. And write each goals down. So when you set these goals down it would improve your self image and self discipline, when you set the goal and you look forward to attach which goal, it would raise your self confidence and you would begin to like yourself more than before.

Start setting priorities on your work and self. Starting with the most important you can do and how you can make does things work. Look for task to do, start the task and try to complete it, by doing these you are raising your self esteem because you would feel like a winner and you would like to begin about task.
So your self esteem help you have endorphins which make you feel Happy and it also make you want do things you have never done before.

So start working on your self esteem, start building it and start making certain goal you want to attach in life because all the step would assist you to build your self esteem.
I hope I have given you guys some tips and advice on how you can build your self esteem.
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