One question

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)

ecoTrain QOTW 9.8 "If you could ask God ONE question and God would give you an immediate answer, what would the question be and what answer would you want to hear?"

God is unquestionable and all supreme. So many times I've wished that I could see God and find out somethings but because he is unquestionable, I usually leave things as they are and accept God's will. However if I had the opportunity to ask God one question, it will be

Ponmile: Dear God , it's such a great honour to have an opportunity with you. I've so many questions begging for answers. But I want to ask why do you allow good people to die soon? Why do you allow young people in their prime to die? Too many wonderful people have gone too soon around me. My mother, my friends, my maternal grandparents, my school mates. Anytime an amazing person dies, It gets me wondering why would you allow this God? Aren't you supreme ? But you have power over death, what is going on?

God: I never promised you a smooth or easy ride on earth. Yes I'm all knowing and I love you dearly, but I have said it in my word that it was appointed unto men once to die; but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The death of your loved ones may be very painful to you but death is not the end for me. There's life after death. After death comes judgement and those who will reign with me will continue living an eternal life, enjoying in paradise.

Ponmile: God, isn't there a way to grant people who have been good who abide by your rules and commandments a special kind of longlife?

God: First I'm no respecter of persons but I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. However, The righteous pass away; the godly often die before their time because I'm protecting them from the evil to come. Isaiah 57.1
I see everything, I see the future, I know what will happen, and I let everything happen for different reasons. You may not understand it all because my ways are not your ways but I need you to keep trusting me. I'm the same yesterday, today and forever. I'm not man that I should lie, neither am I man that I should repent.

Ponmile: Ok lord Jesus. I will always trust you. Give me the grace to never doubt your ways and plans. Thank you.



Our God is the God of wonders who are we to question his authority.

Myself I just be like God!!!
But that is his will.

Exactly.... Thanks for your comment

 3 years ago  

I really enjoyed your conversation with the heavenly father and the response as well. He is a God that don't lie and at the same time he will never forsake his people, there's a reason that what we are experiencing on earth is happening which our God is aware but we should just play our path to be closer to him and I believe he will never forget his people.


Yes we should get closer to him. Thank you for your comment

 3 years ago  

Your welcome

 3 years ago  

Interesting conversation with God. God's ways aren't ours and He is no respecter of anyone. He giveth and taketh. No one can question Him. He is all knowing and knows the future. We may not see reasons why it happen but we should keep trusting God because He has all good reasons for every thing that happens.

Thanks for sharing your thought here.

Yes... thank you for your comment

So true. God is supreme. His ways are beyond searching out.

Thank you... No one can search him out


Amen! This was really good to read. I love the response you gave along with scriptures because a lot of our questions have already been answered in His word…we just have to seek and find them.

I’m so grateful that God is not a man and His ways are far greater than ours. We serve an all powerful God whom has plans for each of our lives and all He asks is that we trust in Him…even when things are hard to understand.

God Bless you ~