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RE: 10 More Items Saved From Curb Recycling Recently Sold For $850 (100% Free Money)

in ecoTrain5 years ago

I still have hope to find a way to resell where I live. In person sales is tricky here, as folks aren't congested here like they are there. I had Ebay off to a great start before Covid hit (2 consecutive months right around 1k before fees) but given their penchant for doing jacked up stuff I can't being myself to list there again. I wrote about their gangstalking here a couple weeks ago.

Reading their seller boards, they appear to be demanding the password to folks bank accounts now as they steer sellers into managed payments.

Thinking of still looking into Mercari, but would love to figure out a way to just sell in person for cash and not even have to worry about fraudulent charge backs being enforced by shady operations like Ebay. Looking into a regional auction house atm, as well as maybe starting a website (for local) and seeing if that would make the flea market here feasible. Not enough traffic to justify flea markets in my area by themselves. I do miss the Tucson Swap Meet. Not only was procuring goods much easier due to people congestion, one could actually make a decent living just off the Swap Meet.


Nice job getting back on the wagon before hitting a wall.

I sort of had no choice but to sign up for managed payments. They did prompt my login into my checking account to synch up/validate the setup, but it was seemingly through a secure portal which gave me access to my bank. I didn't get the sense that eBay was acquiring my info, but just getting things aligned while not viewing my credentials.

I heard about the gangstalking situation but tried not let a few rotten apples ruin it for me. I suggest maybe tuning out the boards since they seem to demotivate via complaints there. If you focus on your business and revenue, that stuff may become less weighty towards your overall satisfaction. I think there's still value in using the platform even if things are going to be different on the payments side.

I don't think managed payments will be detrimental for me, but I've simply accepted it as a necessity for continuing to sell there. I've been trying to sell more and more off of eBay for cash, so I feel ok about it.

This is another option I'll be testing out: