Thanks ecoTrain Society for the interesting topic to ponder and challenge. I think it's a real challenge to figure out exactly what to ask, whether to invoke the personal or something societal that interests you.
Personally, I lean more towards atheism, though I'm not sure about that either. I'm Christian, baptized, but there are so many things in my religion itself that remain incomprehensible, and I don't want to follow things I don't understand or believe in. I celebrate the Christian holidays when this COVID pandemic is over and the net m and will be baptized. But I am doubting my faith.
I believe there are higher powers than us, that they help or punish us when something is not ok with our thinking or our actions, but exactly if they are separated by the name god I am not sure.
If you could ask God one question I would like to ask him...
" *If we humans are all made in your image, with all the malice, wars, famines and extremely bad people in the world, does that mean you are also malicious, bad, short-tempered and vindictive?
Many of you would probably ask something related to your problem, desire or cry for help. Personally, I'm interested in something a little more global.
Why there are wars, violent death, famine and all sorts of nastiness in the world. If God created the world, in all it's forms, then he is involved in the thinking of man. How did he allow all these wars to happen years ago, and how has he now allowed one to happen again.
In my opinion this is one of the proofs that we have or have a tyrant who plays with us like pawns - he gave us all the goods - especially life, and now to check what we have become from time to time he sends various disasters like fires, floods, wars to get rid of us.
Or he has created us and abandoned us because we are totally hopeless and he has decided that another planet or another being is more valuable to him and has concentrated all his time and energy on helping others.
The subject of God is a pretty broad one for me, I don't like to argue on this topic because there is a lot I disagree with and I don't want to "provoke" him if he does exist.
I honestly don't want to know what God's answer will be because I won't like either option...
Each person is free to believe and think what they want, what gives them comfort and salvation.
Yes - I believe there are healing waters or stones or whatever in various places around the world but I more than tie that to the power of various minerals or elements from the periodic table existing in a given locality.
Благодаря ecoTrain общество за интересната тема за размисъл и предизвикателство. Според мен това е истински предизвикателство да измислиш точно какво да зададеш, дали да се позовеш на личното или на нещо обществено което те интересува.
Лично аз повече клоня към атеизъм, макар че и в това не съм сигурна. Християнка съм, покръстена, но в самата ми религия има толкова много неща които остават не разбираеми, а не искам да следвам неща които не разбирам или не вярвам в тях. Празнувам хриястиянските празници, когато приключи тази пандемия с COVID и сетето м и ще бъде кръстено. Но аз се съмнявам във вярата си.
Вярвам че има по-висши сили от нас, че те ни помагат или наказват когато нещо не е ок с мисленето ни или с действията ни, но точно дали са обособени с името бог не съм сигурна.
Ако можеш да попитам Бог един въпрос бих искала да го попитам...
" Ако всички ние хората сме направени по твой образ и подобие, при всичката тази злоба, войни, глад и изключително лоши хора по света, това значи ли че и ти си злобен, лош, избухлив и отмъстителен? "
Много от вас вероятно биха попитали нещо свързано с ваш проблем, желание или зов за помощ. Мен лично ме интересува малко по-глобалното.
Защо има войни, насилствена смърт, глад и какви ли не гадости по света. Щом Бог е създал света, във всичките му форми, значи е замесен и във мисленето на човека. Как той е позволил да се случат всички тия войни прведи години, и как сега отново е позволил да се случи една.
Според мен това е едно от доказателствата че имаме или имаме тиранин, който си играе с нас като пешки - дал ни е всички блага - най-вече живота, а сега за да провери в какво сме се превърнали от време на време ни праща различни бедствия като пожари, наводнения, войни, за да се отърве от нас.
Или ни е създал ни е и ни е зарязал, защото сме тотално безнадеждни и е решил че друга планета или друго същество е по-ценно за него и е концентрирал всичкото си време и енергия да помага на другите.
Темата за Бог за мен е доста обширна, не обичам да споря на тази тема, защото има много неща с които не съм съгласна, а не искам да "го провокирам" ако все пак съществува.
Честно казано не искам да знам отговора на Бог какъв ще е защото няма да ми хареса които и да е вариант...
Всеки човек е свободен да вярва и мисли това което иска, това което му дава утеха и спасение.
Да - вярвам че има на различни места по света лековити води или камъни или каквото и да е но това повече от обвързвам със силата на различни минерали или елементи от периодичната таблица съществуващи в дадената местност.
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We all ask this question daily but I still think most of those attributes are made by men for their own selfish interest.
Check out some answers to Ecotrain qotw 9.2. A lot was said in relation to this question
I will check the other authors to see their questions. The topic of the contest is a really good one and you can show who you are. Are you interested in your own personality or you want something more global
Yay! 🤗
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What a great content. Indeed there are so many things that we just grow into believing without even finding out ourselves how these things became. There are lots of traditions and believe that one cannot comprehend. But because we are born into it, we just let it pass and move on with it. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful piece
I think that back in the days there was a moment when people didn't have any hope and religion was the only one promising them "good in the other life". I have many questions about the churches as well ... why do they exist since God is everywhere? Why people must go there and pray when they can do it in their bed, car, or in the backyard?!
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This is sure a good question, and the thought I always have everyday, GOD own heaven and Earth, how come wars in the world, he should be our mediator in all cost.
!PIZZA Thank you for your comment. Now I am sure that I am not alone in my thoughts ..
You are welcome ☺️
I want you to know that you would never be alone👭
what a fantastic question and response! thank you for sharing this <3
The question (the topic) in the contest was good one, I couldn't resist to write about it!
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Interesting question, I also tend to lean on atheism side and would ask a similar question. Well, I am going to ask that in my post. 😉
It was a nice read. Thanks
Yes, I understand your question and your answer. The truth is that if we believe that God is responsible for everything bad the answer is scary, but you would be surprised if you give a chance to what the bible says about it. To me it has left me satisfied and confident and despite how difficult the subject seems and it is not credulity but coherent and logical answers. I hope you have a nice day.
Thank you for your comment. I have a question about you. You said that the Bible gives you answers when you need them. As I know the Bible has been written by people, no matter who. I am not sure that they are telling the truth, because they could have some alcohol and some kind of drugs and wrote all that things. I mean, all the things or part of them could be lies. There are so great artists for who we know that they were alcoholics or at special mushroom to do their art and .. passed in their early years because they took too much from everything.
I don't want to attack anyone who is a strong believer, but there are so many things that are unclear or contradictory.
Here's an example of one of the commandments - "Thou shalt not make for thyself idols" or something like that was I don't remember. How can we not create idols by creating whole buildings for them - the churches. We create lots of pictures - the icons in the churches.
It's strange to me. I've seen a lot of things that don't sound OK to me. But I say again, I lean more towards atheism even if I'm baptized - Orthodox Christian
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