This week's contest is the most important and best question I've ever been asked. That is why many people suggest this topic to be discussed instead technology. This is one of the vast topic to be discussed on and is really hard to explain. We are really thankful to the ecotrain community which brings up such good and important questions.
In my view, the definition of spirituality is something like this. Everything that is not related to matter is related to spirituality because soul is also something which is not matter which cannot be seen or touched but soul exists.We can take the example of pain that we cannot see or touch all kinds of pain but can feel it.
Every feeling that can be felt has to do with spirituality. Just as everything in the universe has its positive and negative aspects, so does spirituality have its effects and aspects. Another thing I would like to discuss before explaining this point is that the concept of spirituality is found in the religious people of the world that is, there is spirituality in every religion and there is religion in every spirituality.
Considering the human soul has positive and negative effects on the human soul. It is now up to the human being to determine whether his actions are positive or negative in nature. Let me explain with a simple example that when a person helps a poor person, he does not get any reward as a result, but in his heart man feels a good feeling and he feels the same pleasure for every good deed.
But on the contrary, if someone commits a bad deed like murder, a very bad feeling is created in the heart and even if there is no outward punishment, that bad feeling has a bad effect on the spirituality of man but sometimes on the contrary. There are also people who make their souls happy with their bad deeds while those who do good deeds feel bad.
There are different levels of good and bad effects on spirituality and if a person reaches the best and highest level then he can perform unusual and impossible things. For example, in the religion of Islam, if one reaches a high level of spirituality, then he can travel to the past and the future, that is, the human soul can travel from this past and bring news from the past and the future.
Similarly take another example of Buddhism, if it reaches a high level of spirituality then it can also predict the future and can sit in one place and live for weeks without any food۔
Many such examples are found in people of different religions. My view on spirituality is so broad that there are no words to describe it that need to be understood in order to understand it because spirituality is not about body and matter. But with spirit and feeling.
These are my thoughts on Spirituality and I am sure I have not completed all the points to be discuss on this topic but yes it is small effort on my part what I understand I tried to present to you people.
Thank you for reading to the end.