Im growing three kinds of Mint now

in ecoTrain5 years ago (edited)

I started some Spearmint root clusters last year. And they have done real well. Actually too well, had to pull up some of the runners as it was making a dash for other plants spaces.


Using mint for my water made me think of trying to grow other types. The one above is Lemon Balm, a type of Mint. It had a citrus smell to it and I hear its quite potent.


I got two of them and they are adjusting well. It's a little different from the Spearmint roots I planted last time. This has the above ground part of the plant.


During the heat of the day it seems to be holding well. I did plant it over a week ago so maybe it's already adjusted.


Another kind of Mint I got is Catnip. Hoping to have cuttings to grind up and give to the cats in some toys. I just planted them a couple days ago. So they are still adjusting.


When the sun hits them they tend to wilt real bad. I don't think they are adjusted yet. Hoping in a week or two they will recover. From what I've read they are full sun plants so they should be able to handle the direct light.


The Spearmint is doing great, I've taken many cuttings to soak in water and make a mint infused refreshment.


They handle the full sunlight real well. And seems happy anywhere I place them with alot of sun. When close to them they have a great smell too.


They are starting to flower now and seen alot of Bees using them. I hear it can change the flavor of the leaves a little.


When I walk by the plants I usually pinch off a piece of Spearmint and chew it. Gives a minty refreshing taste. Looking forward to doing the same with the Lemon Balm when it gets stronger. And looking forward to the catnip for the cats.


I am glad that you are able to grow those mint herbs because you can use them to flavor your drinks or use them for afternoon tea or a night cap drink @solominer :D

Ah yeah adding mint to my water has been a real nice treat. Looking forward to having enough to do that every day.

Im going to try some mint in my water! thank you!

Ah nice! I cant grow enough of it to drink with it every day. But if I could I would. It tastes great and probably good for you.

It's best to buy a carafe that has a screen in it to hold the mint leaves. That's how I do it.

I wonder if i can grow in Florida

I would think so, it's pretty tough. Buy some on ebay. Buy the roots and put them in the ground and by next year they should emerge. After a year or growth they can be harvested.

I’m looking to buy a house or just a piece of land Within the next six months because I love doing homesteading projects. Even just a big piece of property with no house on it where I can build a bar to put an RV would be cool

I'll send you a heap of chocolate mint that tries to take over part of my garden every year if you want. The stuff is like herpes, it never goes away once planted. But it smells nice. 😆

Haha im good, I may already have more mint than I can deal with. Heh yeah I found their horizontal roots under an inch of soil. Amazing how quickly they spread. I think these plants will keep be busy.

I ended up putting my spearmint in a large pot in the ground. Otherwise the runners would have taken over the garden.

Hah I may have to do the same if it gets out of control. Seems many find it too fast growing for the ground.

Be careful, last time I planted mint it killed everything else in my garden bed.

Ah yeah many people have warned me about how vigorous they grow. I keep them planted were they can spread and not be so much of an issue.

I delegated you 100HP to get you started, thanks alot for the comment.

Thank You!