The Thyme plants are getting big

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Pretty amazing these were all started from seed during last Autumn. Now I am finding them growing like crazy and drinking lots of water. Though around where I live winter may not be completely over, so I plan to keep them inside for a few more weeks. Had to raise their lights again yesterday as they just keep getting bigger.

Camera ModelLumix GH6
LensOlympus MSC ED M. 60mm Macro lens
Shutter Speed1/125 sec
Film Speed2500
SpectrumVisual Light
Wavelength380 through 700 nanometers
LocationNorth Georgia USA.

Glad to see my fluorescent tubes giving them the light they need, and having a pulley system makes it really easy to raise or lower the lights.

The plants started off quite tall and thin, but now they have really filled out.

I love the smell of Thyme, did not know that until I started growing them. But now any time I brush across the plants leaves I get a strong smell of the herb.

Some of my Thyme is smaller than the others, but are all doing great.

Pretty soon it will be time to put them outside in the ground and I need to make sure I give them lots of water if the sky does not do that for me. In Georgia its common not to need to water established plants due to our frequent rains. But since these plants are new they may need some time to get established.

For now I will keep watering them indoors until the risk of frost has passed. These plants can handle cold weather once established, but just like with water needs they will have to be greatly cared for in the beginning.

Even the Thyme cuttings I bought from the market are coming up good. I placed all the cuttings that were not doing anything in their own jar and now I have another one that is forming new growth.

I hope one day the thyme I place outside will form a thick mat and block out competing weeds making a "thyme lawn".

And you can even harvest some of this "lawn" to make some tasty recipes with.

Three of my best Thyme cuttings from the supermarket that formed new growth. They are all doing well and forming new leaf sets. Not sure if I can just put them directly in the ground or maybe I should pot them first for a few months before attempting to transplant. I really need more space so I will probably wait until the very established ones are placed in the ground and then sow these cuttings for a few weeks.

The three pots of my most established Thyme nearly looks like one giant plant, I can see how when grown in clusters it can form a nice ground cover and excited to seeing it happen outside. Pretty sure the sunlight is more powerful than my little grow room, so I expect them to grow much faster once in the ground. Soon enough it will be time to put them out, just watching the weather forecast to see when is a good time.


I would think that you already know this but if not, be sure to place a screen over them or in a partly shaded area when you first take them outside, any plant that is grown inside will burn from the sun if put out in it, they need to be slowly acclimated to the outside world. I never have much luck with thyme, I can grow all other herbs but this one always dies on me.

Good point, I do not want to shock them too bad. Will do, thanks for the tip.

Yeah we shall see how they do outside, so far I have only grown the Thyme indoors.

Glad to help.

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