Cleaning our environment

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Today was not like an ordinary day, because early in the morning there was a voice at the hamlet study hall containing an announcement about the existence of gotong royong, immediately all those in charge of the hamlet prepared the tools needed to carry out goting royong with the fathers in my hamlet.

Because I feel that there has been no such thing as gotong royong in my village for a long time, the enthusiasm of the residents is also little, especially mutual cooperation whose work is a bit accomplished. Arriving at the recitation hall, we were immediately given instructions by the head of the hamlet to dismantle the hall fan first.

but there are also those who clean the sewers or stingrays, this atmosphere of intimacy is what I miss because when we work together, we are all the same without the difference between the poor and the poor, all of them have merged into a community that is ready to get dirty together, drink coffee together and laugh. with.


We call that 'pintikasi' in my language and 'bayanihan' in Tagalog.

I had experiences like this too when I was younger, I helped in preparing two roads before concreting, the people called to help are usually those who benefit from it, but anyone can still help

Oh that is awesome of you..

I was forced by my grandma XD hahaha

Thanks btw, see yoy around Hive!