As per me, Success is a very subjective thing. Somebody's success might be another's biggest failure. Success is all based on our goals and aims. And all of us have different goals and aspirations. Success can't mean the same to different people.
Let's talk with an example.
I'm stuck at someplace and I badly want to get out of it. Another person wants to be a part of that place desperately. One day, I am thrown out of that place. And it makes me super happy, gives me a feeling of success and pride. But if exactly the same action happens to that another person, it might be a big failure for them. Isn't it?
Another example I want to take here. A husband and wife get intimate and they happen to make a baby. This might be a success for one who really wanted one but to the other, it might be a failure because they never wanted one.
While I say success is very subjective, there are some key parameters I believe are associated with conclusions that might not describe them as a literal success but when seen from a broader perspective, give a tint of success.
1. Not hurting anyone - If the end result doesn't hurt anyone physically or emotionally, it's an indirect success. One might not see it if they don't achieve their targetted goal yes, it's surely a form of success.
2. Eco-friendly - If your moves are not hurting the environment either, you are on the right track my friend. If you open a big factory that gives you a lot of money and fame but it emits pollution and hazardous wastes in any form, it is not a success.
3. Inner Peace and Satisfaction - Sometimes the results are not as expected but what we do as a part of the activity gives us satisfaction. Our actions make us happy and feel content and we know we have given good effort to it. So even if the results are not in your favor, you succeed in a way.
4. Learnings - Even if you fail, what you do always teaches you something. And those teaching and lessons learned are for life. They may be the prime reason for your success someday later in your life. Hence it's very important to take lessons from whatever you do. That also classifies as success.
Success is not just winning, it's a lot more than that. You are actually successful when success comes your way, again and again, you own it. One-time success without meeting the above-said criteria is not what I think success could be because the repercussions would never allow you to win it again.
As we say success is a team effort, never think that you can succeed alone. You might not be taking people along with you but you are definitely taking the environment, the animals, the air, and most importantly, your inner soul with you.
very true, success is subjective. it would be amazing if we could achieve the 4 points you mentioned there tho i think its very difficult for us to do because of our current world and state of consciousness but we can try
Yes that would be amazing and hence that's not so easy, right? Good things don't come so handy.
Lots of values I'm learning from your awesome content @sugandhaseth. Thank you for posting and do have an awesome moment.