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RE: Choicelessness: A Rant On Psychological Constraint

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)

Wow! This is a whole lot of feelings put into writing. Some of your piece here, I can relate to. For example, when I meet with a new person even if I may have heard the bad deeds of the person, I tend to still ignore it and go ahead to give them an open book for them to write themselves literally on it. And as you said, some have lived up to true actions while others have broken my spinal cord 😅

Men are your clothes - Eniyan l'aso mi. We can't do without one other.Just like @drceeyou said, we cannot stop trusting or relating with people because some others in our past have grieved us. But that does still not mean we should be careless in our dealings. The elders will say

us me..😁🙌You did a great job in constructing your work here, @josediccus. Keep up the good work for

 3 years ago  

Well literally, we cannot live without one another, doesn't change the fact that we're our biggest undoing. The heart of man is desperately wicked, but at the same time, meeting some people might change that perspective. In other words, let us hope and wish to meet the right people.

let us hope and wish to meet the right people.

That's a daily prayer these days.

The heart of man is desperately wicked is naturally wicked sef. So, good people try to overcome natural wickedness. So this is why it is okay to give people chance.

In other words, let us hope and wish to meet the right people

I'd include that as one of my key prayer points.😁