I really enjoy this kind of post, I've read them before when you shared jackpot findings. So cool and it makes me long for these areas where you'd find stuff that has any value. In this area where I live, they have 2 of these days a year where the whole district can put the unneeded furniture and garbage (bigger items too) out and it will be picked up by the government. Usually, the gypsies already took most of it by noon lol.
But congrats on your findings, keep sharing these cool stories please :)
Do you ever go out and try to beat the gypsies? With everyone putting stuff out, there must be enough to go around. If it's just two days a year, get lots of sleep and plan to attack!
No, why? Simply because the biggest part of what's been put outside is garbage and often very dirty. And this is truly not the neighborhood you want to be strolling around for gems :) I think 95% of the people living here live in poverty, so the gems are probably not there much. On top of that it's still a mystery to me when these pick up days are, I tried finding the date for our district yesterday after someone asked us what's going on outside (he's new to the city) people everywhere etc. We assumed this was the pick up day, but we could not even find it, as the announcements here are just shit if you dont speak the language.
I would get joy from strolling around any other place but our neighborhood so I would not choose to do it here. The reason I tried to look it up yesterday was actually because I thought we got lucky and could drop some leftover items we won't take to Spain next week, outside without getting fined.
Ps it's a shitty second hand market here too, I have been dealing with people after listing items for months now, and I wish it was over as I started to hate how people behave and have idiot expectations for something costing 3 bucks. Like me bringing it somewhere and then give me a big mouth when I say I won't.
I did take a lot of joy from these things in the past in my home country though, and if I see an opportunity to do this in Spain, I will sure try it. I remember that in the town where we lived they also put everything outside every evening and gypsies would take it or locals hunting for it before they did. There it was actual fun and not disgusting like it is here.
I've never found stuff like you share though, I can totally see how that feels awesome to find! :)