Come Take A Walk With Me, As I get Prepared For The Workshop I will Be Running This Weekend!

in ecoTrain3 years ago

This weekend. I will be attending a festival, which has been organized by some very close friends of mine. An opportunity to come together and celebrate the wonderful creative community that we amongst. The venue, is about an hour and half away from where I live, next to a lake. It's 3 days of music, arts and healing. I will be running a workshop thereon the Saturday from 1p.m to 4p.m.


Today I went to visit a friend of mine who lives at the end f the valley, she is an amazing seamstress and she has kindly offered, to give me some off cuts of material, for the workshop I will be holding.


I love this walk, and today the weather was warm and the sky was blue, the perfect conditions to take a stroll in. There are a lot of families living down this way, in vehicles, domes, yurts and caves even. I always bump into lots of interesting people along the way, some I know and others who are new to the area and usually camp out at the rainbow terrace for a while.


Today I had my youngest daughter and her best friend tag along with me. They were in their own little world as they skipped along. They had picked up some little treasures at the boat, when we passed it. It's hard not to come away with something from there, especially if you are a little girl.


It's so great to see so much lush green grass, in the summer it gets super dry here as we can go months without rain. But when it comes, everything bursts into life again and that sight, always makes my heart sing. The orange trees are in blossom at the moment as well, so the air was full of the scent of neroli.


I was super happy to see this prickly pear in good health. The last three years, so many were hit with a disease that almost killed them all off, but this year there are back and thriving. The fruits on them are so delicious, if you are brave enough to get up close and pick them that is.


Before we knew it, we had reached the land of my friend. My daughter and her friend know this area well, so they ran ahead, excited to see who would around to greet them. It really is like a big playground al around here and it's super safe for the kids. Everyone knows to drive slowly on this track.

There are two really old fire engines on this land. Both of which were converted into homes, until they arrived here and now are mostly used for storage. I love the shape of old vehicles, they really don't make them like this anymore.


This beauty, houses the sound system, as my friend often has open mics and cabaret nights here. It also was home to a lot of her costumes, that she made down through the ages. I hope to one day photograph a few of the and share them on here. She is so talented.


U above is the dome that she constructed to hold her events. It is such a wonderful space and I have attended so many amazing events here. I feel so lucky, to have this within our community.
Her events are always free and open to everyone. I just love to come here and sit sometimes.


To the side is her kitchen, which you can kind of see above. Whenever there is an event, she always provides some amazing food and drinks, which are always so reasonably priced. Her stone house is behind this and that is where I went and looked through her amazing collection of material. I came away with so many amazing off cuts. I can't wait to do the workshop now.

What's the workshop I am doing, well you'll have to wait and see!




Much success in your festival, dear! And as always, thank you for sharing those wonderful landscapes. The picture of the trees in green is particularly lovely. Blessings to you and your girls!

Thanks so much my friend, I hope all is well xxx

Pretty special to live in a place like that :<)
I am excited to hear about that workshop of yours and I'm sure you will enjoy it!

Um abraço xx

Gracias Vincent, I just posted yesterday about the workshop xxxx

Great and yeah, I already found your post, before I read this comment of yours.

Abraço xx

You live in such a dreamy place for your girls and for any living being I suppose! <3 What's your workshop about?
I don't know why swing poi come to my mind

Hey @neyxirncn I just wrote a post yesterday about my workshop, it's called CuntCraft and it's all about the way in which women have been oppressed by language and celebrating our bodies xxxx

The stone house looks so beautiful. From the looks of the photos, it seems that the weather was quite sunny, now was it?

That day was glorious, it has rained quite a bit in between, but the land needs it so it's all good xxx

I love the views,thank you for sharing.

Looks like a relaxing place to be. All the best with your workshop. What will it be about?

Hey Mo, so lovely to hear from you, the workshop was called CuntCraft, I wrote a post about it yesterday xxx

I will definitely read your post about the workshop.Thank you @trucklife-family. I have been away for a long time but I am now back.

Damn your photos remind me of a place in Spain, in the mountains of Granada, at a place called Beneficio. Have you heard of it?

I live quite close to Bene, well spotted. When were you there?

I have never been there.

Though a few years back i was supposed to meet up with some online friends from East Europe, and we were going to go together. Since i had experience hitchiking across Europe, they wanted to try to Hitchhike to Barcelona and we would go from there.

So i flew to Barcelona, and sat at the fckin airport for 3 days waiting for the guys. 3 Days later, turns out they never even left the house! They were too scared to make the journey.

So yeah.