As long as Capitalism rules there will never be true democracy it is as simple as that. 99% of politicians are corporate owned and for these corporations we are one of the following 3 things or a combination thereof - work force , consumer and/or disruptor. If we are not a good worker or a consumer we have no value, again pretty simple.
Now to meditation it is very surprising to me that they are reacting this way as several major scientific studies actually prove the opposite. Mediation not only is proven to positively influence people with Schizophrenia (which is technically a brain disorder not a mental disorder ) it also help improve mood , focus and symptom management of people with depression , bipolar disorder , BPD and OCD. So their campaign makes no sense unless the form of mediation they are after is linked to a cult. There are several nefarious sects out there including scientology that use mediation as front to get followers and it can get ugly.
To governments not wanting free people there are several sides to this some benign some nefarious and several in between. Humans are a selfish spices we want to do what we want to do regardless of consequence our dying planet is proof of this . We find justifications , excuses for our actions and some blatantly express how they don't care. We are reaping what we sow here sadly however it is innocents mostly children who will pay the price for their parents and grandparents greed and ignorance. The politician do little as the climate crises interferes with corporate interest, what they do do is mostly just show to placate those who care or means to exert control. But the population is wilfully ignorant and refuses to take things in their own hands because they rather blame the powers that be that do the things that would stop the climate crises in its tracks . It is scientific fact that if we drastically reduced out meat and dairy consumption or eliminated it we would reduce 72% of our carbon emissions - just like that - but nope people want what they want so nothing will change and most likely your children and my grand children will curse our names at our age is they are even alive at all.
Or take this pandemic while the government uses it to control people most anti vaxers and anti maskers refuse to be responsible and not kill everybody else. they want to do what they always do other people be damned - No, force vaccinating people is not the answer that is barbaric; but those who chose not to get it need to also understand that they don't get to hurt others with their choices. If you want to enter establishments or congregate with others who do not want to be around the unprotected it is their right you do not suddenly have more rights than others because you want something . The simple rule is your freedom ends at another's skin .
Freedom to be different used to end up in new communities forming and build settlements together that were successful to varying degrees. This is more complicated in today's world because of 5 things.
1 - there is almost no more unclaimed land to settle to it is all "owned " by countries who actually have brutal laws against people declaring an independent state in their "borders".
2- There is little space left because there are to many humans. If we changed the way we build and how we populate by using living architecture and incorporating it into nature we could actually support a population about double our current size. If we all went plant based (except for the tribes in the arctic who can't ) we could support triple the population food wise . But our reality is this most humans do not want to do what is needed and the way we build and live makes it almost impossible to make communities that do not intersect or influence life of others .
3- Globally we are to many people and many things we do influence people all over the world it no longer can be contained, example lets say we have a community of people that believes they can dump everything into their lake be it chemicals or poop the damage is no longer just where they live being so closely populated it will contaminate the living space of other communities as well - and that is a seed of war right there.
4- Most people refuse to do what it takes to create a different community . They want to do what they want but still indulge in the amenities of main stream society. While it can be very unfair (especially if main stream society is injuring people or threatening the over all survival of all ) the hard truth is that if you want different you have two choices . A- you endure the shit of your fellow humans in your community, you take on the grueling and in most cases fruitless task of trying to educate them and suffer the consequences of your non compliance with their rules. If you are one and they are many , even if you are right, you either have accept that your voice matters not in this community or stay away. They are in the majority and if we believe in democracy then majority rules no matter how insane , wrong or sad it is. This does not mean stay silent. This does not mean stop trying to show people better ways just be aware that you sadly do not have the say so here and you got to suck it up. B- you leave and create your own community. If you do this however you can't demand that your old community still give you the benefits and rights yet not live by their rules . It does not work that way . Freedom comes with a price, it is never safe or easy. It is often very lonely and a daily challenge but it can be extremely rewarding.
5- We humans often forget that we are not the only tribe on this planet. It is the habitat of all living things not ours alone. Yet humanity acts like it owns the place and all other tribes have little to no worth. This separation humans have to the things around us has many causes but it also has a root in many religions . While spirituality can be very rewarding, and even religion to some extent, religion also is the root of the most horrific atrocities in human history. It like our governments have always been a tool to control the masses and to date they still cause immense damage to many people. The 3 major monotheistic religions all teach we where given dominion over this planet and this toxic seed has made us a menace. I could go on and on about this but this is already too long as is. So I will end this with this Ed if true freedom is what you crave then you need to find a place where you can create or strive to create your perfect living experience. Non of us knows if there really is a god/gods or life after death as much as we long for this certainty. This life is all that we know to be securely ours do not waste yous on circumstances you hate or find intolerable, but also do not throw what you love away because of a few things that might not sit right with you but are tolerable in light of the things you love. Sit and reflect if this life you are living feels like it is muting you light and taking your joy then create a path that will give you joy it is as simple and as hard as that.
Thanks for sharing your opininion @tygertyger !! Take care!