And he's back again,
The vibe of the 100 Monkeys, so yeah another hiatus. A number of reasons, not so much mental health this time. That side of things has been quite nice, have a cracking Hello holiday to Lanzarote. In the north the island away from all the lovely British tourists.
Bit of a reputation the old Brits
I have some stunning weather, supplying that good ole vitamin D that we lack here in England!
25 degrees
Which made perfect the plan of a lot of barefoot walking. Bearfoot walking occurred everywhere even up volcanoes it was bliss. And the energy was phenomenal. What more could you ask for?
Just lovely it were, a lovely trip.
I did come back with a bump, two blooming degrees in lovely England. Not forgetting though coming back to the joys of the corporate and collapsing NHS at work.
And then yeah, the while at work somebody basically attempted their lives in a river and I helped drag them out and my work have busted a disc in my back.
Although I do feel this is a message to me from the universe to get off my ass and get my business going (The Barefoot OT 😉).
To which my work turned around well and said fuck you and aren't being very favourable with me. I have a prolapsed disc in my back now, and they're not even paying for me to fix it.
The joys of working in healthcare, a service that doesn't really care 🤔. There we go!
So this is an incentive for me to set up on my own. But before we go there, the new thing I know always comes with a new thing. I'm gonna do more blogging, but I found this great little thing. I originally got it for my dyslexia, nice bit of software. Get this, I can talk into it and it converts it into words, magic. Which means I can talk and do my blogs like that. It'll need a bit of going through to make it proper Queen's English.
or is it King's English now? How does that work? That's one for the Royaists there! Well, that one out! Is it the kings of the Queen's English now? As you can tell I'm not very bothered!
When I'm typing, I feel I can't get into a real flow, because of my dyslexia so hopefully this is a bit more erm, more raw. And here it is. Ta da so yeah! A lot has been happening and the old universe sending out messages. Now is the time to expand my business The Barefoot OT look it up on Instagram 🙏🏼👣
Yeah, so currently I'll continue doing my regular job while I'm expanding The Barefoot OT in to occupational therapy as well. So it'll be a new venture and will solve me discomfort working within a corrupt and failing system.
While in Lanzarote I met a few people who are digital nomads, working and travelling. My life is travelling and exploring, so this is clearly my calling. It's difficult with a mortgage isn't it though? That's the only problem!
Let's wait and see how all this turmoil pans out at work, not ending up in court, but a payout or we can come to some mutual agreement, would be nice 🙏🏼. The main focus now is getting my own business expanding, providing good solid, nature based space to provide proper therapy for people. One that isn't just with profit completely in mind and as the only objective.
Say what's been happening with divine robot and monkeys really?
What's been happening with the world? Oh, my goodness, it's gone bonkers hasn't it.
I was talking with a friend today, she was saying, > you know, that the banking crisis and you know what's happening?
And we've known for ages we're in a recession and the bank's financial fear system is collapsing. My thinking is there's nothing we can really do about that. Now,it's in motion is happening as we speak. Having having a bit of crypto, a little bit of precious metals. But for, the most important thing is seeds. While this whole banking things going on and the war and is COVID coming back, apparently it is! What's actually happening in the background? This is where we need to focus, I started looking into the strain crashes in America, with all these highly toxic chemicals being set on fire news now. And yeah, one possibly, a few starts look suspicious. Scratch the surface and you find that in America there's a nice new law, if the lands contaminated they can take it off you!
For your safety off course. We don't want those nasty chemicals in you, come stay in this nice temporary 15 minute town.
Yeah! 🤔. Mr. Billy Boy is buying up all their farming land and is now the biggest farm landowner in the US, interested food shortages currently.
In the UK because supermarkets aren't paying farmers.
They're blaming on weather. Global Thunburg effect.
Okay, we've always had shit weather here, come on. There's little videos of farmers saying they can't afford to grow more eggs, feed as many chickens and all because of all the taxes and everything drops into place 💡.
Production is going down.
Farmers protesting in Holland, which is actually the biggest food producer for Europe or one of them. I think it might be the biggest. Also there is a lot of promotion of insects, and eating the , interestingly also cannibalism is being promoted.
Then we get on the whole push for plant based stuff. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a vegan. But this narrative, it's coming from the wrong angle. You see what I'm getting at is while all this other stuffs going on, there's always something happening in the background,the real agenda. And yeah, it's our food supply. Bill Gates is talking about vaccines in the food. That alone convinced me to push growing my own food. I do try to anyway and get a bit of organic on the side. We all need to go organic, but that is just harsh shit, man.
That's what's the real agenda here?
The food supply and people gonna be talking soon, alien holograms in the sky and stuff and all that jazz. If they have complete control of our food system, tell us what we can eat what we can't. Oh dear. So the most important thing for me at the minute is seeds. The most valuable commodity we can get seeds!
Stock up on your seeds people. So yeah, slight tangent there.
My friend said what do we do about the financial crashes coming? Nothing we can do. I don't have loads of savings. You know, got my house well a mortgage, but that's that's gonna just disappear anyway. If I had loads of money that's just gonna disappear. It's your commodities that will count! Crypto, well if there's an EMP is going to be awhile before we can exchange crypto.
Trade or services is what it comes down to and what's going to be the most valuable commodity food? Seeds it's going to be so valuable, my friends.
On that point in poignant bombshell I think I'm gonna leave it there. This will be the new format with a quick little rant on one subject rather than a whole diverse collection of rants. A tremendous amount of ranting can happen in a day in my head and being able to put that all into one post is phenomenal effort. Hopefully is quick little short bursts will tantalise your vibration vibrational rantings? Yeah, enjoy an next song coming soon, very soon. I promise it won't be ages.
So that's a wrap folks!
Connect with you next time... 🔗🖌.
Barefoot and vibrating... 🦶🏽💯🐒.
Om namah shivaya... 🙏🏽🌍📿
For Reiki vibrations contact @thebarefootot
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