How am I doing on the buffing. Played with Hive.

The first post to this challenge to get an account to a top ranking position can be seen Here.
There was a second post when the gauntlet was thrown down by @foxan which can be seen
Foxan sponsored @Rishi556 to have his account buffed up to that position. Progress so far seems to be panning out well.
The original statistics were a bit below this screenshot. I took the screenshot a bit after starting the buff.

The first part the Rep (respect) level is going well Made it up to over the 5 Million mark, leaving 7 million more to go.

I also gained a VIP status to the account (purchased). This was not set out as part of the deal.

I did this though to better the account after the buff was complete. It does enable the purchase of other items which are not available without it. One of those being a property. Three additional properties have been gained.

I also dumped the beat up old imitation Mercedes.

I replaced it with a sturdier faster 4x4 Hivenator, Off Road, 4 wheel drive. I will also make modification to this monster to have it move faster better acceleration and a better balance.
The garage has also been updated from storing one car in this old garden shed. Which can barely store one car. securely.

To this state of the art garage for 6 vehicles. It also has a state of the art security system. Preventing those prying eyes from seeing your upgrades and looting your tools..

The fighting statistics seem to be the hardest to keep up with. I am confident I can make a decent progress on these too though. If I do not meet the set requirement. Hopefully the additional things done will make up for that.

Rishi556 anything I done wrong yet that your can see? Leave a message or tag me in a discord channel.
Current Ranking.

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