Took a day off from writing yesterday. It wasn't intentional, but just couldn't get into a mood nor was I inspired to write about anything yesterday. However, I did get an opportunity to read a few blogs, comment, and curate some. Which to me is always more pleasurable than writing my own post actually.
Anyway, the 1-5 inches of snow we were supposed to get ended up being about only 1 inch and didn't even last but a few hours. I think most of it is already melted. All the prep was for not. The roads and hard surfaces didn't even have snow stick to them. It seems most of the snow stayed south of us, which is fine with me.
Sadly we are going to get nothing but rain the next day or two. Then more rain this weekend I believe. It would be nice to get out and take some pictures as I broke my camera out yesterday and dusted it off. I will patiently wait for a good day though.
Besides drawing a blank on writing yesterday, I drew one on shopping for some crypto that attracted me. I finally took a chance on a toekn called Aurora. We will see how it preforms over time. I hadn't added to my small portfolio in sometime, so it felt good to do so.
I was up all night Monday night, and did a little online shopping at some online auction sites for some coins. I thought for sure I had snagged some good deals. But like usually happens, at the last second, some sniper came in and outbid me. I was a little disappointed because these were some cool specimens for a good deal.
Today, I still need to finish some chores I never got to yesterday. One of them is sorting through some coins I have in a box in the dining room. I mentioned those in my last post. The wife is really going to get on me soon if I don't get this done. Happy wife, happy life!
We have been a little stressed in the house lately due to some of the uphevel in the government lately with the Elon Musk fiasco. It seems the NIH grant cuts will be impacting my oldest son and his research feelowship. So he may have to start looking for a new job in the coming months. He is very stressed and thus we are stressed.
I am now wondering how this DOGE crap will impact VA benefits and my military retirement. As eventually I am sure he will make his way to those areas as well and every knows that in this country veterans always eventually take it on the chin. Good thing is though, I have a pretty good chin, so will figure it out if they do screw with it.
Just glad Hive is here for me to shout into the void of the web and relieve some stress. It helps so much to have a place where I can escape to and share my thoughts, explore some feelings, and reflect on all of it.
That is all I have for now. I do hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Thanks for reading,
-All content is mine unless otherwise annotated.
-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
-Photos edited using MS Paint and/or iPhone SE.
-Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord.
I hear your complaints and frustrations. I haven't bought anything on an online auction in awhile but I recall getting out bidded which sucks when it happens at the last moments.
We were projected an abundance of snow. We ended up getting just over an inch, 😄. Free day off as they closed the base yesterday in anticipation.
Oh Musk l, a lot affecting many. I'll just leave it at that.
Yes its great to have Hive to drop back on. I enjoy reading and engaging when I have time. That in itself helps distract and keeps me balanced.
For coins I almost exclusively shop online and by them at online auctions. I kind of enjoy it.
Always have to love a free day off from work!
Hive is defintely a place I can escape to for sure. Especially nowadays.
I wouldn't worry about the retirement money, that's guaranteed. I think they're after all the massive pentagon waste that goes on year after year. Glad the snow wasn't too bad, how are you holding up?
I am all about going after waste, but they are going through things like a wrecking ball right now. I wish they would take their time. The impact this is having on people is tragic. My son called me tonight and he is a nervous wreck.
I am holding up okay, just not sleeping well because I am worried about my son and his future.
Yeah, it's definitely going to be interesting to see what happens with the federal funding. You would think that some areas would be untouchable when it comes to stuff like that. Namely veterans, but the current leader has already shown he doesn't really respect that group. I hope congress is able to keep him in check and protect some of this funding. I appreciate trying to cut costs, but there's a better way to do it than shock and awe!
It will be intersting to say the least.
I hope that your government will take a better step in protecting the funding for the veterans, it is sad if they will take a hand of that sector. You and the other veterans are the one that make a huge sacrifice so that people like him can be elected and have power over the country.
Although the things here in my country is not better, but I have seen the bad one, and I wish that you will not have to experience it as well.
I think it would become a very unpopular if they did try it. They would have to do it behind the scenes and through slight of hand when noone is paying attention using distractions. I do wish you luck in your country and hope things improve for you as well.