I remember growing up, part of showing love and respect to your friends, family and desirables, was writing actual letters. I am guilty of slipping the occasional love letter or poem into a crush's pocket or backpack. One time, I even sang 'Waiting For a Girl Like You' by Foreigner to my neighbor. Ya, it was pretty intense. Still have dreams about her sometimes.😍
Since my little tyke days, I carried that sensitive side. My first wife was my senior prom date, fellow athlete and believe it or not - 5 year pen pal. We lived about an hour from each other so I couldn't exactly hop on my bike or take an afternoon drive there with everything else I was involved with. I also wrote letters to other girls and at one point, had a pen pal in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield. Made her days a little brighter.
So, upon seeing this contest from @grindan, it brought back some memories and is prodding me to participate. Not because I have any kind of secret crush, but because I generally like to spread good feelings and share love when possible. In fact, I don't even want to be considered in any kind of 'winner's circle' - give any prize I may or may not win to someone else that may need it more. My problem is, I love everyone, so this is going to end up being a longer post than usual.
My Seeds

First off, I figure it would only be right to pay homage to my heirs. The Lords and Ladies that will inherit Hive and the things I am building now that they are just barely starting to grasp. Some more than others.
Each of them have an account here. Some of you may even be following them. My oldest prince is @dr460n3y3. My youngest prince, who plays Splinterlands and is sometimes seen throwing up a post, is @b34w0lf. And then the ones that are most often heard and seen giggling, dancing and what not on discord with me or in videos and pictures here, are @lunamoon, @khaldeesi and @freyamber. I love all of you and over the course of my life of being a dad, I find the sacrifice of time and possible experiences have been worth it. Know this, everything I have done over the past decade, has been a calculated maneuver to ensure each of you never have to go through some of the things I did. #truth
Across Hive
I have been more fortunate than most to have made so many friends (and even call a bunch of them family) through Hive. Even new to me peeps like @nickydee and should already know better ones like @dbooster have touched my heart in multiple ways. This includes meeting them face to face, as I have organized 4 different events, and attended even more. Not to mention just meeting up with someone for the day like @thekitchenfairy! I am actually heading to Las Vegas in March for the (now annual) #silvergoldstackers numismatic society show(s). Will be bumping into some loved ones there like @dfinney, @silverd510, @brian.rrr, @summertooth and (hopefully) @fat-elvis. Last year, we had @thedamus with us and we all love you too dude, you will be missed! I think @davedickeyall would love attending, I know he is a shiny fan.

Now Dave, got love for him and Bethy (@bethvalverde) down there in Puerto Rico. I'm sorry I wasn't able to recover the account, I can help fund a new one if you like. I first met them out in Colorado along with some other cool cats like Michael and the fabulous faces of @mariannewest, @prettynicevideo and @jayna. Hope you lovely ladies are doing well!
This was also the place I first met sister @snook and bubbly @dreemsteem and will write a little more about those two farther on in this post. @jayna was also at The Writer's Block meetup I went to in Knoxville with @rhondak, @sircork and (in his first ever American experience) @gmuxx. Wonder how that cat is these days? Do you all remember the bear that I scared off? You know, because I'm so manly. 😂
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@sircork? Love that cat. Hope you well my man. He was in attendance along with Rhonda and @katrina-ariel in Nashville for the 'Hots or Shots' show that some of you may remember. Also met a side of @lukestokes that some of you will probably never see. @freedompoint and @freedomtowrite also came to Nashville that year! Wonder how they are? I remember I made friends with the cool and collected @daltono that year. Cork and Katrina both also made it down to one I had arranged in Atlanta where I first met @michaeldavid. Love you man! I also met with some others like @ameliabartlett and 'mama Cori', @crescendoofpeace. She is an amazing woman and if you happen to see this, I hope you are well and a big hug to you and Merrick!
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In Atlanta was also the first place I ran into @papacrusher. Super happy he went out of his comfort zone and showed up. He was and is only one of two people on Hive (minus my offspring) I have gone fishing with. Some of you know how much I like fishing, so to jump in that water with me is a new level. He also came out to The Block Party II this year where we got to meet all kinds new and interesting faces. The other person that I've gone fishing with - who even camped out on my property for a minute - was @ambiguity. Mad love for you fellas! You my dawgs. They were both at The Block Party II (sort of) as well and I'll drop a little more on that shortly for you lovely people.
I wanted to touch on Krakow a bit. This is where Katrina and I had an absolute blast exploring with the likes of our beloved @yidneth (Hope you good girl!) and I hooked back up with Muxxy and Rhonda again. I also met and shared hugs with @elizacheng! She is awesome. I shared several beers (and will again one day) with @detlev. I met the fun attitude and demeanor of @ura-soul and got to sit a spell with @soyrosa. I shared a stage with and wrote a song with my dawg @edprivat. Hope you good, son! I also met @jongolson, who I knew right off the bat, had a huge heart because we clicked and cut up real well. There were also smiles and hugs shared with guru @derangedvisions, the boisterous @roelandp and the indomitable wizard @gtg! Most of you know the amiable @arcange, who, like me, loves to get pictures with everyone. I got to meet Luke's entire family that trip and at the request of sissy, linked up with my brother-in-arms @nathanmars.
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The Block Party II
The 'Steem Social' I did in Atlanta was great. The Block Party out in Colorado was amazing. But, I gotta say, The Block Party II was far more intense as we had people from all over the place show up. @papacrusher was there, @summertooth - with whom I attended our first ever Grand ol' Opry experience with and Dave and Bethy - who kicked our ass in the escape Room. 😁 My boy @b34w0lf, the talented @d-vine (who I have grown really close to since she came back to the states) and in his first ever trip to the US - @darrenclaxton! You crack me up brosef. Fukn budgie smugglers. I also finally got to meet a long time member of @thealliance - @blueeyes8960 and her mans @crypt-skip. Love both of you and hope your travels are still kicking ass.
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And really, this is just scratching the surface of all the people I have actually met from and through Hive. There are also some I haven't met that I know one day, sooner than later, I will. People are on my list who will get a personal visit from me. People I respect and love for multiple reasons. They will be included in this next section mixed with a few others I have met. Shit, I love so many of you, this was kind of hard and I hope nobody feels left out by this. That's the last thing I want. But, here we go with some
More Love Letters

@latino.romano My guy. My brother from an entirely different mother. I've known you for over 5 years now and you have never failed to show love and help those in need. That is why I call you my brother. We are cut from the same cloth and even though the language barrier sometimes gets in the way of our conversations, know that I understand. I wish you and your family well. Amo a tu hermano. Take care of our niece and nephew @ismaelrd04 and @alina97 when they get there, ok?
@dreemsteem My girl. There are a lot of people that fake their way through life but I can honestly say, you are not one of them. You own a genuine beautiful smile and heart and I see it reflect in all you do. Know you are loved and keep my owls safe. I love their accent. Because #teamderrick is the only real team there is. You feel me.
@shadowspub You are very knowledgeable and astute in your beliefs. I respect and love you for that. Our journey here is far from over and am happy to be doing it so long with you. You have a great sense of humor and believe it or not, are a mentor to me. I imagine one of these days, we'll share a cup or two of coffee and I'll listen first hand to some amazing story that will again resonate and have a life lesson intertwined.

@thekittygirl I liked you even before there was #boobsforwitty! I've seen you time and time again, without fail, find new ways to improve the Hive user experience and help people along on their journey. I would say I am not alone when I say I love you and keep on doing what you do. From fam to PIMPin to keeping the air oxygenated for the minnows and redfish, you are amazing.
Steem Hive and to this day, love the way you see the world through your lens(es). I really want to meet you one of these days, if nothing more than for a cup of coffee or to catch a quiet sunset by the beach while we try our best to capture in pictures what only nature can truly paint.@tattoodjay I really wished we talked more, but know you are loved my man. You were one of the very first people I ever met on

@wwwiebe Like me, you are a father and share your joys with your kids. I think a lot of people don't quite understand the level of patience you have and your dedication to succeed. Plus, you are hella cool loving skeletons and all that. Anyone that is a big of fan of Halloween as I am? They get my vote all day every day. Stay the course my man, plenty of good things yet to arrive for you.

@kerrislravenhill I love a lot of the stakkin' clan, but you brought it to a whole new level for me with your approach. Aside from being one of the most informed people I know in that arena, you bring a flair with your goth and pirate positions and passions. I absolutely adore you for that. One of these days, I'll look in your real eyes and tell you just that. Love you lady, today and all days after.
@brisby You nutty ass little squirrel! Love your fiery ass for multiple reasons including my dog and other girls L & C. I'll be through there again eventually and we can go for hike. You have one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen and considering what I know you have been through in your life? It's very commendable to retain such a positive attitude and keep being the super mom that you are. Much love Briz and hug my girls.

@wesphilbin You my dude man. Love yer fuckin' guts. You have the perseverance of Hercules and heart of Hephaestus. You have to be some kind of super human or god to continually wear a smile day in and day out.
When you first popped the #thoughtfuldailypost grip? I was hooked on Wes. HA! You have a few more challenges than most as tomorrow is the goal, I encourage you to not forget about what memories can be made today. You've inspired hundreds or more people out here and feel you will continue to. One day at a time.
@inthenow My cookie chef these days. A million thanks from me and the princesses for the dozens upon dozens we've gotten from you. You know what I love most about this guy? He gives selflessly and never asks for anything in return. A far cry from a lot of the people in this world. Love you bro, keep ya head up and everything will work out splendidly soon enough.

@marybellrg Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary. Love you lady! When you first invited me to the @ondapositiva show and asked me to be a guest, I was a little shocked. It was entirely out of my element being the foreign tongue. But, just as warm as your heart is, I was met with a grand reception and still carry that with me.
You have a way with words and show so much tenderness in your posts about the ones you love, that it bleeds lovingly on to all the people that happen to come by and witness them. I am honored to know you and have been pleased to see you grow on Hive along with some of the older family members in @thealliance. Keep smiling girl, you have a lot to smile about.

@grindan Of all the people on this latter list, I have known you for the least amount of time. However, you have shown you care about others and are not afraid to put your face to a name and did so with my sister! Gotta admit, I was kinda jealous. But, you have also proven to be a solid member of the fam and are out here supporting others in a fashion that not many can sustain. I love you for that. Plus, we both have weird brain things that come up with random thoughts and not many people can understand the darker side of my humor. Well met young padowan.
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I miss you. I really do. We don't talk as much as we used to. My lovely dragon rider and kindred wandering soul. I'm looking forward to the games! You are one of the few people that has actually taken the time to play with all of my little princesses at once. I admire and adore you for that. The mama bear spirit in you is so strong, it can hold a torch in the darkest of caves.
We went to Poland together and you came down to Altlanta and since some of your family is close, you've taken the time to hang out with me on multiple occasions. I sometimes go back to older media you shared and 'Still My Mind' so I can think clearly. You are loved implicitly. I strongly am longing to see and hug you again. Namaste.
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Miss and love @jackmiller too. Hope that fucker is ok. But you my dear, have been with me through so much here on Hive and have helped me to maintain my sanity. When I wanted to say fuck everything and just quit, you talked me down. And here I still am now. I love the shit outta you and all you do for others without asking for a thing in return.
Plus, I've actually slept with you. On mutha fukn marshmallows. How many Hive denizens can say that? None. HA! 😝 I've seen you grow and share your happiness and make people smile that have worn frowns for days. Even if you made them do it. Like, with a cane or something. You embody what family is and are loved by many beyond just me, I'm sure. You care deeply and genuinely and I love talking to you. Big hugs sis! 🤗
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My tried and true Huggaboo. My Silver PIMP. The unofficial Queen of the Castle. I remember how shy you were when you first came into the server and kicked off what has bloomed into an absolutely beautiful friendship with myself and countless others. You shine brightly love, and are probably the most generous and adorable person I have ever met.
From the antics of Bobby to showing off some sexy ass #silverporn to writing poems and sharing your week in pictures - getting to know you has been a total treasure. Like many, I hold you near and dear to my heart and wish you only the best because I love you more! 😜 Just try to keep the sassy zombies at bay and never hesitate to follow your heart.
In Closing
I'm sure I forgot several (par for the course, right?) as I started this about 2 a.m. in the morning and have been drifting in and out of dreamland. I don't sleep much these days, but one thing I can tell you is to REMEMBER TO BE YOU! I always am, even while trying to touch the Earth.
Official Witness Representing:
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@thealliance Fam | The PIMP District | #silvergoldstackers | Psyber X | The Vets & CAV |
that other shit
because I can
So Can WE
Vote Witty
Let me do it for you!
Set Witty as your --->PROXY VOTER!<---

'At's ma boyyyy!
Man am I late to this party. Killer post brother!
You're right, I need to be on here more. Might help regain my sanity lmao.
Love from the bottom bro!
Wow, this is touching. It really is a long time and a lot has happened since then. Thanks for all your affection, you were one of the first to help me when I first came to the platform and was a newbie and lost, ha, ha, ha, ha. My life has changed a lot since I moved, I still find it hard to accept this remote place in Brazil as my new home, but I'm glad to know that I count on your friendship. Yes, soon @ismealrd04 and his wife will be arriving, we are very excited about it and we are trying to have everything ready for their arrival. In the meantime we move forward friend, brother, son of another mother from afar.... 😉
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@enginewitty just slapped you with , @latino.romano.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Man, when I asked for love you said: "OH I GOT SOME!"
This list is nothing short of epic, you took the spirit of the prompt and ran with it! I feel like I got to know familiar faces in another light here, and meet some new folks to love along the way! With all the photos and memories, this feels like a meetup of souls in spirit! LEGENDARY 💚💥
The intro made me smile, of course you were passionate from a young age! 🤣 !LOLZ I can picture young you in my head belting out this love ballad, and I just know you had a dance routine or something too! 😎🤘
Learning about your history of letters was beyond cool too... Your pen pals, including your first wife, make me realize another reason why you were in on sponsoring this contest immediately. You freaking cutie 😁!! You're a friend who embodies something I really believe in— Valentine's day is every day! It's always a good day to spread some love, to make someone smile.
I'm so grateful to call you not only a friend, but family! You're an inspiration to me, both on chain and off my dude. 💚🤗 I know you're a busy guy, it means a lot to me that you spent so much time to write this love letter. And I know it means a lot to a whole bunch of other people too 💗✨😍 !LUV !PIZZA
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But it was too corny.
Credit: reddit
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
(2/4)@enginewitty, I sent you an on behalf of @grindan
You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@enginewitty just slapped you with , @grindan.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Indeed, there be bears in Gatlinburg! Here's the link to one of my posts about that trip. That is the post where you can find this pic of you being beary oblivious to the bear coming toward you. Them were the days!
I've been planning to get more involved with Hive again, to start posting and being active in various ways. It's all very disorienting for me, though. I don't know who anybody is anymore, except for folks like you and @katrina-ariel, @carolkean, and @shadowspub, of course (folks I've kept in touch with off-chain.) Life has changed dramatically for me in the years since we went to Gatlinburg, all for the better. As I think you already know, I'm living in Costa Rica with the French fellow I met at Steemfest in Poland. @michelios is my hunny and I thank God every day for that trip to Krakow. I haven't heard from GMuxx in years, although I'm still FB friends with his wife. He seems to hate me for some reason that I cannot fathom. However, I still talk to @sk43 every week, if not every day. He is still one of my best friends despite the fact that we separated and divorced since Gatlinburg. It was a very friendly divorce; we went out and had a great dinner afterward.
Which makes Muxxy's flaming hatred of me all the more a puzzle, because if the man I was married to for ten years still thinks I'm a worthwhile human being, it stands to reason that I must not be Satan incarnate, as has oft been rumored around the blockchain. 😈
Even more, I'm still very good friends with @sircork, who actually came to Costa Rica a few weeks ago to visit us. Here is a good pic of him with Michel and our Tico friend Charly.
We absolutely love Corky. He was so ostracized back in the day that anyone who associated with him was threatened and blacklisted by the reigning blockchain thugs, who have since fallen into relative obscurity. But my friendship with Corky remains, stronger than ever, and he is truly one of the truest friends I've ever had in my life. Still trying to talk him into becoming one of our neighbors here in CR. The lifestyle here is perfect for him.
Thank you for tagging me in this post. It really makes me miss the good old days. I'll be seeing you around!
P.S. Our farm here in CR would be a great place for a Hive meetup. Just sayin'. ;-)
Ya he's good people. You ever gonna back through TN? And Costa Rica would be an awesome place to have some kind of event! Glad you good and look forward to seeing you around hun.
Miss you! I am at work atm and inet is freaking crappy so nothing load much but I got to read my name 😆
Take care there!!! Hugs
You are still around! Good to see ya sweets!
No words...
Thank you, brother...
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All day.
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Dam that’s more people then signed the Declaration of Independence…. Right back at you brother, see ya i. Vegas.
Woo woot! Excited for Vegas! The countdown is on.
This is an EPIC POST! So much love. I’m
What a simply beautiful set of love letters 💗This warmed my heart to no end. Reading about all of these friendships that you have nurtured, and all the shared love. Something truly special. And this is the heart of Hive, isn't it? I have met a few people from Hive myself and can honestly say that they are exactly the people that I expected to meet. isn't that crazy??? One can be semi-anonymous here on Hive but our true personas cannot remain hidden. The heart always shines through. I have made friends for life on this platform. People I hold exceptionally dear to my own heart. Some of whom I have had the absolute joy to spend time with in person. We have soul searched, laughed, hugged, and just spent time together. So this post of yours... hits me in the feels. Cos when we are separated by miles, oceans, and continents from our specials - there is a little emptiness within that we never thought could exist before, but our lives are so much better for knowing them. !LUV !ALIVE
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You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/10)@enginewitty! to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
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Hey Little Brother!
You always know how to make someone feel special. You have that gift. When you talk to people, you REALLY listen even with 96 open tabs :D
I am so SO happy we got to meet in person and spend a day with Jayna and you just chilling before all the stress hit when we walked into our private castle for the weekend.
The best thing I ever did was go there. It was a weekend I will never forget.
Thank You for being YOU and trusting.
Love you so much!!
Dude, your propensity for bringing out the best in people is simply amazing. It's incredible that you've been able to meet so many people; more amazing that you find and encourage the best in everyone. Keep doing what you do, m'man. You're an inspiration to us all.
hehehee i just smiled and smiled and..... smiled!!!!
its hard to believe how long some of us have known one another!!! i seriously have tears of joy in my eyes just thinking of the fun that we've had and how REAL our connections are.
i love it. so much!!! and i love you!!!
I know right? So many experiences!
😄 I've slipped a few love letters to guys in my time. But, I was such a dork that my letters had reasons listed why I thought we'd make a good couple. (Like a social studies essay combined with the feels where I did everything but site my sources. 🤣🤣🙈)
SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU TOO, WITTY!!! ❤️ 💞 ❣️ You've been through tons of knocks over the years but STILL your heart is absolutely beautiful and you never give up looking for the good in people. There's a metric assload of reasons for lovin' ya and you find a way to make that list longer time and again.
You BEST be ready for a good tackle hug when we get to see each other again.
Please give hugs to your sweet princesses and your doggos from me! 🤗💜
Aww he sooo cute!
That's cool, glad that you and the princesses enjoy the cookies. I am working on it, gotta stay the course lol... and ride the up cycle. 😃
You are such an amazing & pure soul my dear! I am blessed to call you my friend! I am really excited about the next Block Party!! Love you to bits man 💞
Came to find you and check in (as I do) and found this
Still late to the party but hey... it was so worth finding. 💥
I feel very privileged to be mentioned and to get to know you a bit better, Mr W 😊
Really lovely post and it was super cool to see all the photos of you being you!
Happy Valentine's day. May it be filled with love and wonder for ya 💕
And to you sweets!
Oh... I have to watch my intake 👀
That shit's highly addictive y'know!
So I've been told. 😜 All things in moderation?
I suspect you're not completely understanding how addiction works 🤓
Or do you mean everything in moderation, including moderation?
Which would make me refer you to point one and, possibly, to an addiction coach. Which I am and which would, thus, lead me back to point one. Which would not help at all with point two.
a) a conundrum 🤔
b) a circular conversation.
c) pretty much how point one works. So perhaps you wouldn't need option three anyway after all this consideration...
which may suggest we should just eat the damned chocolate.
Because chocolate 👍
Dear @enginewitty Wow, it almost brought a tear to my eye, not only because of the mention, but because of the fact that you are the one with the huge heart.
So passionate about helping, so noble in caring for the beautiful princesses. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be in the family and to support consistently, without expecting anything in return.
I am very happy, because you are Exceptional in every way.
Much love to you and the princesses
So much has changed since way back then, but I’ll never forget how exciting that TN trip was. Glad we met dude!
Been killer watching you grow here my dude. And I don't just mean the beard. HA! You've matured a lot on your Hive journey and am pleased to know you. Love to you and yours my guy!
Oh man I’m really such a different person now. Back then I was all hippie dippy smoking tons of weed, being vegetarian, and teaching yoga. Now I eat basically nothing but meat and eggs, I don’t smoke anymore (still love me some edibles though), and I go to the gym instead of doing yoga. I’m so happy with where things have gone and I hope we all watch our lives get better and better.
I know you’ve had some rough moments these last few years, yet you still find a way to show up, stay positive, and be the awesome dude you are!
One of these days I'll gladly go fishing with you, Witty. Might be awhile. I probably won't get much further than Japan or Indiana (on my few visits to see the folks; few because that's not a cheap trip) until my kids get older, but whenever it happens I'd love to do that. I used to go fishing all the time. It's been years so my skills are probably very rusty, but oh well, I'd enjoy getting back into it.
Fuck ya, I'll hold you to it man. Surprised, since you have water all around you, that you don't get out a bit? I could make it to Indiana now, Japan might be a hot minute tho 😁
It's more restricted here, so almost not worth jumping through the hoops for hobbists. As a result, most people end up going to these fishing aquariums that are set up for the purpose.
I'll let you know next time I make my way over. Maybe we can arrange something!
We could have more than a handful of people show up. I mean, @grindan ain't far from there, @brisby is relatively close, @inthenow is a hop and skip and a dozen or so of others that would probably make the trip!
Awww que lindo que nos hayas mencionado a mi esposo @ismaelrd04 y a mi, que bonito que haya dedicado este tiempo a mencionar a tantas personas que son importantes para usted y que nosotros estemos en esa lista. Muchas gracias. Nosotros lo apreciamos mucho también 😊❤️
Los amo a los dos y espero que cuando lleguen a Brasil, encuentren un nuevo hogar allí. ¡Espero que Jorge pueda ayudarlos y espero ver fotos de todos ustedes!
Cheers my friend
Indeed one day we will catch some time together perhaps as you say chatting and catching a sunset somewhere
Look forward to the day hombre.
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I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
enginewitty tipped wesphilbin (x1)
grindan tipped enginewitty (x1)
enginewitty tipped grindan (x1)
enginewitty tipped latino.romano (x1)
enginewitty tipped saffisara (x1) @enginewitty tipped @samsmith1971 (x1)
Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!
@enginewitty, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Happy Valentine's day and asked us to give you a new badge!
To find out who wanted you to receive this special gift, click here!
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You talk love letters here's a love letter but not to you, of course.
Even though I have no friends here it actually feels like a community. Thanks for caring about others and showing it! Truly inspirational to see people being appreciated and celebrated outside of the mainstream.