Metamask is "safe" to the extent a hot wallet can be. If you have any funds you would be better off investing in a cold wallet (one you can disconnect from the internet altogether, a ledger for example).
There are always going to be issues with hot wallets, onchain anything, hacking is a thing, and keeping your keys safe is the only way to protect your wallet. Ensure you WRITE the codes down, on paper, and keep them somewhere safe, not on a computer that has an internet connection, there are too many vulnerabilities.
So if one address is hacked it doesn't mean all the addresses on Metamask are hacked. At least the ones I created after the hack? I should have made the question clearer.
And yes I shouldn't be as lazy as copy-pasting my keys on my device instead of writing them down on paper.
Yes, other addresses should be fine, as long as they were created independently and have their own PK.
As a security, it might be worth moving any assets to "fresh" wallets just in case, if someone had access to one PK, it's possible they had access to more (especially if you copy and paste on a computer, lots of programs that can track this data for hackers if you have some bugs on your computer).
I see. Thank you :)
time for some cleaning