in Beatzchain3 years ago

Today I wanted to share my way of marketing through Twitter thanks to the fan base of some of the big businesses on there. I've been looking into this with some depth and figured out a better game plan then what I was doing. First I would like to note it's always good to watch your own moves.


For one I figured it's best to slow down and not just speed the process by spamming. Spam is served cold so I thought, spaghetti. Spaghetti 🍝 that's right basically what I'm saying is instead of just using copy paste marketing maybe we should slow down and get people to know us. That goes to you too fellow musician!! Don't feed them spam, feed them spaghetti. I've also thought it would be wise to retweet people arguing with these businesses exposing the bs that people go through (or never get done).

It may take more patience but if you scaled it and actually did this within a few hours a day you would see more results from the time it takes to do either option. Get your target audience in conversation warm them up to you, then you invite them to check out your stuff they're more prone to listen 👂. Aside from my music as a music producer I'm promoting Beatzchain off chain to join the army and the network. So far I've noticed this being a more productive way then even posting through your own Twitter. By the way another thing for you (and me) should look as a tool and learn more about it is SEO.


I look at how we can bring more marketing tactics with being the competition without looking like a total cold calling spammer. I mean I can drop D on their sponsored ads I've got to do it smoothly if I want it to be effective. We're only scratching the surface now so we're open to ideas 💡 from our fellow brothers and sisters. We have a ton of factors to go on there's no turning back now. Everytime I look I see more BS from these musical powers which fuels me more to take them down.

I'm thinking how I can give a speech on LIVE soon enough (btw LIVE is a great marketing tool 😎). Give a good detail speech on the difference between us and them. We would like to discuss our advantages compared to them.

Keep on the lookout for more blogs I'll be sure to keep everyone posted. FREEDOM TO THE BEATZ!!!

Come join us and kick it on our discord

Here's our network (use taggs #beatzchain & #beatcz to post through Hive Blockchain and other Hive dapps)


Come check us out this Thursday and every Thursday @ 8pm EST on DROP THE MIC on MSP WAVES 🌊 here's our latest episode from last week