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RE: 3D Printing in Liquid Resin - Most Finest Detail

in 3D Printing2 years ago

Me alegro que estés volviendo a Hive, es cierto, luego de estar un buen tiempo sin escribir cuesta retomar el ritmo de la narración y el habito de la escritura pero ahora que tenes un poco más de tiempo y más importante ganas de volver seguramente se te hará llevadero. Que bueno ver un post tan bueno en la comunidad de impresión 3D, necesitamos incentivar a la gente para participar y escribir por aquí.


Thanks my friend. :) Its definitely encouraging to have people like you who can motivate others like me. Getting back into the rhythm might take some time but my passion for our community is for sure is what I do value. 3D printing is something I just picked up and learned entirely on my own... I didn't know that I was good at it until I saw some prints of others and realized this is a craft rather than just print-and-go. I never thought I would be blogging it but I realize its something I want to show our community the potentials of this technology and if anyone is interested they can always ask me.

Thanks so much.