Although it doesn't really take a lot of time to visit these places, the level of culture we can acquire by visiting them in a day is very high. Now you have gone there and you are curious and you have actually opened the internet and looked and learned.
You have added something to yourself by learning that it did not collapse in the earthquake and that it is the tallest clock tower and so on.
There are some European tours, photography tours.
People visit historical places and get tired for a whole day, just to take pictures. There are even people who come to these with different t-shirts, different dresses. If you ask them, they have seen all these places...
Have they not?
But actually they are as ignorant as before.
In this post you have shown in a very beautiful way how important it is to learn about our cultural heritage in the places we visit. Congratulations. It was a good trip. Thank you for sharing 😁👏🤗🤗🤗
Absolutely, man, visiting this place not only made me happy but also gave me something culturally. I learned something about history. I should definitely visit more places like this. I'm looking for it.