Updates About Earthquake - Every Help is Appreciated - Deprem Hakkında Güncelleme - Her Yardım İçin Minnettarım

in Hive TR2 years ago



Hello all, yesterday I was feeling terrible, the things I saw made my blood run cold. I posted a help post as quickly as I could because of how powerful and big Hive is. The Hive community has been really great and my post has now received 550 dollars. 250 Hive based dollars and 311 Hive sent to my wallet. Hive is really the biggest community I've ever seen. I'm grateful for every donation, even a cent can bring a small smile to someone's face. This amount made me very happy.




Unfortunately, the news is not good. Aftershocks are still happening. As of now, I observe that the intensity of these earthquakes is decreasing. I hope that by continuing like this, the earthquakes will end and help can reach people. As far as I see in the news right now, the death toll is 3432. 21103 people are injured. 5775 buildings collapsed. People are still struggling to survive under the collapses. These are the official figures. Of course, these numbers will continue to rise as time passes. I hope it stays at the lowest amount. I watched this news on TV but you can check it on this website.

Fortunately there is some good news. More than 8000 people have been rescued from the collapse. It is not possible to reach everywhere, but the teams are really trying their best. That's what we see on the news. It is impossible not to cry when you see the rescued babies. I can't hold back my tears. I just took this photos on TV.

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-07 at 14.35.05.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-02-07 at 14.35.07.jpeg

International aid is also reaching our country. Again, I saw on TV that aid was sent from 65 countries. This is really good news. People continue to send aid from everywhere. It is not possible for us to completely heal the wounds of the people affected by the earthquake materially and spiritually. But we can do our best.

Thank you to everyone who sent messages of support. My girlfriend @ezgicop is currently trying to go to Ankara in a car. From there she will go to a safe area away from the earthquake. I hope all the people there can return to their own cities.

Lastly, I want you to know that all the proceeds of this post will be donated to the Ahbap platform, which is the most reliable charity association in Turkey. I will also send all the proceeds from the posts I have shared before etc. to this platform as aid. You can search the Ahbap platform via Google. https://ahbap.org/ This is their official website. I wish there was a place where I could direct the rewards from this platform directly. So that everyone could vote more easily and volunteer to help. But I can assure you that the maximum amount is 1000 dollars and it's not going to change my life that much. So I don't need this money. I know what my girlfriend went through there, so I feel the pain directly in my heart, and not a single cent from this will be used by me.



Hepinize merhaba, dün kendimi berbat hissediyordum. Gördüğüm şeyler kanımı donduruyordu. Hive'ın ne kadar güçlü ve büyük bir platform olduğu için elimden geldiğince acele bir şekilde bir yardım postu paylaştım. Hive topluluğu gerçekten çok büyük yardımlarda bulundu ve postum şu anda 550 dolar aldı. 250 Hive based dolar ve 311 Hive da benim cüzdanıma gönderildi. Hive gerçekten gördüğüm en büyük topluluk. Her yardım için minnettarım. Bir cent bile birilerinin yüzünü ufak da olsa güldürebilir. Bu toplanan miktar beni çok mutlu etti.




Maalesef haberler iyi değil. Artçı depremler hala olmaya devam ediyor. Şu an itibariyle bu depremlerin şiddetinin azaldığını gözlemliyorum. Umarım bu şekilde devam ederek depremler biter ve insanlara yardım ulaşabilir. Şu anda haberlerde gördüğüm kadarıyla ölü sayısı 3432. 21103 kişi ile yaralı. 5775 bina yıkılmış. İnsanlar hala göçüklerin altında yaşam mücadelesi veriyor. Bunlar açıklanan resmi rakamlar. Tabi ki bu sayılar zaman geçtikçe yükselmeye devam edecek. Umarım en düşük miktarda kalır. Ben bu haberleri televizyonda izledim ama siz bu siteden de kontrol edebilirsiniz.

Neyse ki iyi haberler de var. 8000'den fazla kişi göçük altından kurtarılmayı başardı. Her yere yetişmek mümkün değil ama ekipler gerçekten ellerinden geleni yapmaya çalışıyor. Haberlerde bunları görüyoruz. Kurtarılan bebekleri gördükçe ağlamamak mümkün değil. Gözyaşlarımı tutamıyorum. Bu fotoğrafı az önce televizyondan çektim.
WhatsApp Image 2023-02-07 at 14.35.05.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-02-07 at 14.35.07.jpeg

Uluslararası yardımlar da ülkemize ulaşıyor. Yine televizyonda 65 ülkeden yardım gönderildiğini gördüm. Bu gerçekten iyi haber. İnsanlar her yerden yardımlar göndermeye devam ediyor. Depremden etkilenen insanların yaralarını maddi ve manevi olarak tamamen sarmamız mümkün değil. Ama elimizden geleni yapabiliriz.

Destek mesajı gönderen herkese teşekkür ederim. Kız arkadaşım @ezgicop şu anda bir arabada Ankara'ya gitmeye çalışıyor. Oradan da depremden uzağa güvenli bir bölgeye gidecek. Umarım oradaki bütün insanlar kendi şehirlerine dönebilirler.

Son olarak bu postun da bütün gelirlerinin ve Hive ve HBD'lerin Türkiye'nin en güvenilir yardımlaşma derneği olan Ahbap platformuna bağışlanacağını bilmenizi istiyorum. Daha önce paylaştığım postlardan vs gelen bütün gelirleri de bu platforma yardım olarak göndereceğim. Ahbap platformunu Google aracılığıyla araştırabilirsiniz. https://ahbap.org/ Bu kendilerinin resmi websiteleri. Keşke bu platformdan gelen ödülleri direkt olarak yönlendirebileceğim bir yer olsaydı. Böylece herkes daha rahat bir şekilde oy atabilir ve yardım etmeye gönüllü olabilirdi. Ama emin olabilirsiniz buradan elde edilecek maksimum miktarın 1000 dolar olduğunu ve bunun benim hayatımı çok da değiştirmeyeceğini bilmenizi isterim. Yani benim bu paraya ihtiyacım yok. Kız arkadaşımın orada yaşadığı şeyleri biliyorum. Yani bu acıyı direkt olarak yüreğimde hissediyorum. Buradan elde edilecek tek bir cent bile benim tarafımdan kullanılmayacak.


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @liveofdalla, @shiftrox, @wilsonthe, @bo022, @cageon360 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Bagislari Ahbap platformuna yapacak olman icin ayrica tesekkur ederim, aciklamaya HIVE Ailesi yazarsin 🙂

Açıklamaya Hive blockchain platformu tarafından gönderildiğini tabi ki yazacağım.

Büyük bir kampanyaya imza attın kanka. Bu kadar insanın dönüt vermesine, ellerini taşın altına sokmaya çalışmalarına çok sevindim. Destek olan herkesin Allah gönlüne göre versin.
Bu kötü günleri hep birlikte atlatacağız. Ezgi kardeşimizin güvende olmasına çok sevindim.

Herkes elinden geldiğince destek veriyor kanka. Bu miktar yeni bir ev inşa etmeye yetmez ama orada 100 insanın bir gün yemek yemesini sağlayabilir. Gerçekten blockchain gücünü gösteriyor. Destek olan herkese çok teşekkür ederim.

Sorry about this. Only knew it just now....sending prayers for your gf and the affected ones.

Thank you, I hope the earthquakes will stop as soon as possible and people can be successfully rescued from the rubble.

This is truly heartbreaking. I know how it feels because we were struck last year of 7.3 magnitude. This too shall pass. Please take care, Incublus. Prayers.

Thank you so much 🙏

God bless everyone..sending love and prayers😍😍

Thanks 🙏

These heartbreaking images are beyond words. 💔

No one deserves this heart-wrenching tragedy. My sincere prayers are with you.🙏

Thank you, I hope no one in the world will ever experience such a catastrophe.

I have seen the video someone recorded from his car. The earthquake was really fearsome. I wish Turkia recovers from this sooner. #This_too_shall_pass

Thank you, I hope we can recover our people.

Its Wepic seeing all the international aid, hopefully all the victims get rescued soon and help given to those who are affected. I can see from the photos there is snow and wet roads, i was wondering but usually earthquakes especially of this magnitude are followed up by Aftershocks.

The one im worried about is a tsunami and possible flooding. I pray that the roads are cleared and no more aftershocks so that the rescuers can help all those in need.

Glad that your much safer now and wishing your girlfriend reaches Ankara safely.

Aftershocks continue to happen non-stop. http://www.koeri.boun.edu.tr/scripts/lst9.asp . You can check here.

This is truly heartbreaking. It is great to hear that the recovery team and finding people. I am praying for Turkey.

Thank you so much 🙏

Upvoted and reblogged to help spread the voice as much as possible... I wish I could help more.

Thank you so much for your help 🙏

I've also heard it in the TV News. It really hurts to see what happened. Sending my prayers to all of you. Keep safe always because aftershocks is still on.

Thank you so much, I'm safe just worrying about people in earthquake zone.

Lets all.pray.that they will be save.

@tipu curate

Thank you so much man 🙏

Tüm türk kardeşlerimizin başı sağolsun. Bu zor zamanlarda bir arada durmalı ve elimizden geldiğince birbirimize yardım etmeliyiz. Dualar herkes için...

Teşekkür ederim. Gerçekten oradakilere Allah yardım etsin.

This is so devastating, my heart ❤️ goes to every affected person and I hope that the earthquake stops as soon as possible.

God grant that the earthquake aftershocks will be over my friend and that you, your family and your girlfriend will be safe 🙏🏼. I am heartbroken just seeing those images of your country 😞. I send you a fraternal embrace.

Thank you very much, my girlfriend is with her parents right now. I appreciate your good wishes.

Yardımı Ahbap platformuna ileteceğinizden şüphem yok, umarım orada zorluk yaşayan insanlara biraz olsun yardımı dokunur.
Yardım iletenlere de size de çok teşekkürler🙏

Teşekkür ederim, elbette bana güvenen insanlar var ama güvenmeyenler de var onları anlayabiliyorum ve kimseyi şu anda yargılayacak seviyede değilim. Postlar payout olur olmaz destekleri göndereceğim.

Thanks to every community member that helped us 🙏🏼

Herkese destekleri için minnettarım

Kesinlikle ben de minnettarım. Destekleri için herkese teşekkür ederim.

Praying 🙏🏽

Thanks 🙏


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@davidesimoncini(1/5) tipped @incublus (x1)

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The news is not a good one at all, please Heavenly father intervene.

Thank you so much

The images of what is happening in Turkey leave me speechless.
Three years ago, before the pandemic, I was lucky enough to visit Istanbul, and I fell in love with the city, and I would love to visit back and also see more of the country.
It is good to hear that your girlfriend has made it out of the disaster zone.
My prayers are with you.

Turkey is a really beautiful country. Unfortunately, the bad news is that the earthquake has wreaked havoc in these cities. Especially the cities of Hatay and Kahramanmaras are in a terrible state. Thank you so much for your good words 🙏

I hope everything goes better there… the situation is very difficult… I hope all the people there can return to their cities as you mentioned. I send you love and lot of light!

Thank you, evacuations have started, people are going to their cities, but the situation is very difficult right now.

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It has been very painful to see everything that has happened to this great people, we only ask God to give strength to their families.🙏😔

Thank you so much 🙏

😭It is a very sad situation, may God help the families of the deceased, may God help those whose houses were destroyed, I only want to pray after the dead, I hope they can bring their souls to peace amen

Yes it is the hardest times in our country.

In these difficult times, we need to be together, we need to help, I'm from Malatya by the way

From the number 44 on your profile, I realized that you are in Malatya. I hope you get a lot of help there as soon as possible.

I hope, but I don't live in Malatya right now, I hope they can reach those who need help, my prayers are always with them.

Que dolor poder cada video de los rescates🥺

It really is, what you see on the internet is no more than 10 per cent of what happens.

This earthquake disaster is really heartbreaking, I hope that those affected by this disaster can be patient and this disaster will quickly disappear over time. only sincere prayers that I can offer🤲🤲

Thank you very much. I hope the aftershocks will stop as soon as possible.

Stay safe, man. 😔
Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland

Thank you man. I'm safe 🙏

which people are suffering a lot and don't know how many people will have to spend this time family and friends i don't know guy's 😞

Millions of people are suffering.

I've seen this in the news, and it's really heartbreaking. Im praying the more numbers of rescued will arise than the numbers of deads. Please stay safe. I am praying for you!🙏

Thank you, I hope every people stay safe and rescued

I pray God will comfort them of their loose

I hope so...



This is really heartbreaking
My family and i have been praying for you guys
Take care

I feel so bad watching this. Monday was a bad day for me , watching this all days at news and in social media was something that I suffered even why I wasn’t there.
I hope everything will be all right and I hope will never happen again 🙏🏻

very difficult times, let's hope that everything will improve from granite to granite.

Thank you so much, yes I only wish everything will be better.