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RE: We Need Your Help for the Earthquake in Turkey - Türkiye'de Yaşanan Deprem İçin Yardımlarınıza İhtiyacımız Var

in Hive TR2 years ago

Conspiracies like this don't add value to the conversation. I usually don't mind because you have all the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but it's a time of discernment. Much better if you keep these things to yourselves especially at times like this. First, you don't have proof to any of your claims. Second, it's a direct assault to science and critical thinking. Third, there's always a time think of what ifs, but not this time.

Read this explainer as to why the earthquake happened: Or not. Because no matter what information is thrown at you, you still choose what to believe in the end. As @incublus has noted, it's much better not to talk anything speculative if you have no plans of helping.