sgt-dan cross-posted this post in Murphy's Bar 5 years ago

It 's Saturday already? Erujeje please

in Speak Peace5 years ago


The theme is cheap alcohol, and nothing screams cheap alcohol like this blended ginger flavoured liqueur with a nice taste but goes down like you're swallowing a chainsaw. Erujeje is a locally made ginger flavoured gin that retails for about 120 Naira or about 1 hive(at the current price).

For such a cheap drink, it is actually quite popular and retails at virtually every alcohol shop in the country. Ever since I started drinking it in 2017, I have never heard of a scarcity, nor have I ever met someone that doesn't know it.

In Nigeria, we call drinks like this "small money, big charge" because despite being a cheap piece of shit liquor, it has an alcohol concentration of 42%, making it one of the very potent "get fucked up fast" beverages around, and one that I'm sure @trumpman would love.

We love cheap alcohol, especially when it packs a mean punch because you get to spend less but go faster to the kingdom of Fuckedupton, and that's okay. Drink Erujeje and it'll get you there pronto my friend, and quite frankly friend, that's all that matters right now.