I'm quite insensitive to words. (You got to be on Hive.)
I noticed this early on, maybe bernie was a good test for that and many failed, lol. Then again knowing I was going to be on this chain the long haul early on you kinda learn to eventually just ignore some people as they come and go.
Your parents sound like England made them more chill which made your life less stressful, that's nice.
I think the last part is something that many of us should strive for and not to turn this comment into another hive shill tweet but I'm fairly certain that the chain will help get us that freedom over time to do what we want. Automation is coming, if you think times were bad when so many lost their jobs due to the pandemic, wait til bots will be able to do everything you do without the cost, complaints, vacation days, errors and lazyness.
I never came across Bernie, I hope that I won't either (hopefully I don't jinx it by saying it 😳)
Bots can certainly takeover a lot of things especially when you factor AI into it, the possibilities are limitless. But I think it will take a complete change in the whole infrastructure to eliminate human involvement. At the moment, we're lacking fruit and veg pickers in UK, we lack lorry drivers, we lack hospitality staff, we lack care workers, we lack butchers, kinda crazy to think that UK is one of the most developed countries !!!